

 友课赵巧老师 2023-10-28 发布于湖南


Introduction (首段) :该段为图表描述段,无须发表过多的议论。在该段中,仔细观察、分析图表所给出的信息,看准園表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,从中选取最重要、最核心的信息,然后根据图表所显示的核心信息确定内容层次以及主题句,准确地点出图表内容所反映出的社会趋势或现象。

Body (正文段) :这一段是文章的主体部分——分析原因。高分作文一般写2-3个原因,如能展开描述,则写两个即可,如无法展开,则写三个原因

Conclusion (结尾段) :该段的中心任务为对本文主题的归纳总结,也可根据主题,进行适当的未来展望:即紧密联系与实际生活相关的主题,由此预测趋势,判断未来。通常概括性几句即可,切忌过长,同时务必紧扣图表给到的主题。



①The chart above indicates apparently that some changes have taken place in__________.

上述图表清晰地 显示了_________ (领域/行业) 发生的一些变化。

②The table illustrates________________in a certain company/school institution.


③The chart clearly reveals the statistics of students__________in a certain university.


④The pie chart above accurately reveals the percentage of the residents/citizens_____________

in a certain city in China during____________.



①The table/chart clearly demonstrates the situation/tendency of____________at a certain place.


②As is shown in the table,_________________grow rapidly from 2009 to 2018.


③From the information given in the bar chart above, we can know that there is a(n)

Incredible striking change in the statistics of___________________during the past XX

years in China.


④As the line graph illustrates, the number of____________and___________in China both

increased markedly between 2015 and 2017.

正如这幅折线困显示,从2015年到2017年,中国的___数量和___ 均急剧上升。


分述原因一 (3选1)

① First and foremost, as a matter of fact, with the rapid development of our economy and society , 原因一。

②To begin with , these changes are closely related to  名词短语。

③In the first place, this trend is bound up with名词短语 。


① In addition, we must admit that this tendency also has a  lot to do with 名词短语。

② What’s more, there is no denying in saying that the current scenario, to a large extend, results from名词短语。

③ Moreover, the facts can not be ignored that the trend derives partly from 名词短语。

④ Further more, it must be stressed that the present situation, to a certain degree, stems from名词短语。 


①Last but not  least, 名词短语 is another significant factor that can not  be ignored.

② Another identified point that should be highlighted here is名词短语/that+从句。

③Lastly, we may notice that名词短语plays a positive /negative role as well in leading to this phenomenon.

④Finally, we must recognize that名词短语produces a contributing effect upon the current condition as well.


①Everyone should be aware that_______ which is clearly demonstrated in the picture above. Thus, we can make a prediction that________.What's more,the number of__________would keep growing descending because of its advantages/disadvantages in_______ In some degree, it could provide positive factors to the advancement popularization of

每一个人都应该能意识到________, 这也在上幅图画中被表达地非常清晰。因此,我们可以预测________此外,由于在______方面的优势/劣势,_______的数目还将持续增长/下跌。在某种意义上来说,这对于_________的发展/普及是有积极意义的。

②Taking into account what has been discussed, we can come to the conclusion that this trend is

________. If people could imbue themselves with intelligence,prudence and discretion, I am sure that most of them would be able to sidestep the potential drawbacks of_____while taking advantage of all the merits.


③With elaborate consideration of all these factors/with due consideration of all these contributors, we can make a rosy outlook towards___________. With the speedy development of our society, and the awareness of________,people in expanding numbers will also attach greater significance to______rather than_________.


④In order to improve the situation/solve the problem, we should find several solution to it .On one hand,方法建议一 On the other hand ,方法建议二 Therefore,__总结句_________。Only in this way can we solve the problem successfully.

为了改善情况/解决问题,我们应该找到几种解决方法。一方面,______________,另一方面_________ 因此___________。只有这样,我们才能成功地解决问题。

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