
Excel VBA【完整代码】考场座位安排(用户窗体版)

 冷茶视界 2023-11-15 发布于江苏

















Dim arr()Dim clsTxB As New TextBoxEventHandlerDim txtBox As ObjectDim textBoxes As CollectionDim btnTop As Integer
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Integer Dim lastCol As Integer Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("数据") total = 0 With ws .Activate lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count lastCol = .UsedRange.Columns.Count arr = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Value For i = 1 To UBound(arr) If arr(i, 2) <> "" Then total = total + 1 End If Next End With btnTop = Me.LbTitle1.top + Me.LbTitle1.Height + 5 Set lbctrl = Me.FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "topLb_1", True) With lbctrl .Caption = "第" & Mid(.Name, InStr(.Name, "_") + 1) & "考场" .Width = 40 .TextAlign = 2 .left = Me.LbTitle1.left .top = btnTop End With Set txtBox = Me.FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "topTb_1", True) With txtBox .Width = 30 .left = Me.LbTitle2.left .top = btnTop End With clsTxB.ReceiveTextbox txtBox If textBoxes Is Nothing Then '将 TextBoxEventHandler 对象添加到集合中 Set textBoxes = New Collection End If textBoxes.Add clsTxB Set clsTxB = Nothing Set txtBox = Me.FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "numTb_1", True) With txtBox .Width = 30 .left = Me.LbTitle3.left .top = btnTop btnTop = .top + .Height + 5 End With Me.LbTotal = "总人数:" & total Me.LbRemainder = "剩余人数:" & total Me.CmdAdd.top = txtBox.top Me.FrmHeader.Height = txtBox.top + txtBox.Height + 15 Me.CmdConfirm.top = Me.FrmHeader.top + Me.FrmHeader.Height + 5 Me.CmdExit.top = Me.CmdConfirm.top Me.Height = Me.CmdConfirm.top + Me.CmdConfirm.Height + 35End Sub

(5)line33~44,添加“人数”文本框控件,这里调用类模块 clsTxB 中的 ReceiveTextbox 方法,并将 txtBox 控件作为参数传递给该方法。将clsTxB对象添加到textBoxes集合中。


Private Sub CmdAdd_Click()    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls        If ctrl.Name Like "topTb_*" Then            If ctrl.Text = 0 Or ctrl.Text = "" Then                MsgBox "请先按排已有考场"                Exit Sub            End If        End If    Next    If remainder > 0 Then        Call AddCtrl        Me.CmdAdd.top = txtBox.top        Me.FrmHeader.Height = txtBox.top + txtBox.Height + 15        Me.CmdConfirm.top = Me.FrmHeader.top + Me.FrmHeader.Height + 5        Me.CmdExit.top = Me.CmdConfirm.top        Me.Height = Me.CmdConfirm.top + Me.CmdConfirm.Height + 35    End IfEnd Sub



Private Sub AddCtrl()    Dim clsTxB As New TextBoxEventHandler    endNum = 0    With UserForm1        For Each ctrl In .Controls            If ctrl.Name Like "topTb_*" Then                currEndNum = CInt(Mid(ctrl.Name, 7))                If endNum < currEndNum Then                    endNum = currEndNum                End If            End If        Next        btnTop = .Controls("topTb_" & endNum).top + .Controls("topTb_" & endNum).Height + 10        endNum = endNum + 1        Set lbctrl = .FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "topLb_" & endNum, True)        With lbctrl            .Caption = "第" & Mid(.Name, InStr(.Name, "_") + 1) & "考场"            .TextAlign = 2            .Width = 40            .left = Me.LbTitle1.left            .top = btnTop        End With        Set txtBox = .FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "topTb_" & endNum, True)        With txtBox            .Width = 30            .left = Me.LbTitle2.left            .top = btnTop        End With        clsTxB.ReceiveTextbox txtBox        If textBoxes Is Nothing Then '将 TextBoxEventHandler 对象添加到集合中            Set textBoxes = New Collection        End If        textBoxes.Add clsTxB        Set clsTxB = Nothing        Set txtBox = .FrmHeader.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "numTb_" & endNum, True)        With txtBox            .Width = 30            .left = Me.LbTitle3.left            .top = btnTop            btnTop = .top + .Height + 5        End With End With



Private Sub CmdConfirm_Click()    Dim wsSource As Worksheet Dim wsTarget As Worksheet    Dim rng As Range    Dim lastRow As Integer, lastCol As Integer    Dim arrArng(), arr(), iRow As Integer, Lines As Integer, iCol As Integer    Set wsSource = Sheets("数据")    Set wsTarget = Sheets("结果")    With wsSource        lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count        lastCol = .UsedRange.Columns.Count        arr = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Value    End With    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls        If ctrl.Name Like "topTb_*" Then            endNum = CInt(Mid(ctrl.Name, 7))            If endNum > currEndNum Then                currEndNum = endNum            End If        End If    Next    ReDim arrArng(1 To currEndNum, 1 To 3)    i = 0    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls        If ctrl.Name Like "topTb_*" Then            i = i + 1            arrArng(i, 1) = i            arrArng(i, 2) = Val(ctrl.Text)            arrArng(i, 3) = Val(Me.Controls("numTb_" & i).Text)        End If    Next    With wsTarget        .Activate        .Cells.Clear        .Cells(1, 1) = "讲台"        .Rows("1:1").HorizontalAlignment = xlGeneral        For i = 1 To UBound(arrArng)            If arrArng(i, 1) <> "" Then                If arrArng(i, 2) = 0 Or arrArng(i, 3) = 0 Then                    MsgBox "安排人数不能为0!"                    Exit Sub                End If                iRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1                If iCol < arrArng(i, 3) Then                    iCol = arrArng(i, 3)                End If                iRow = iRow + 1                .Cells(iRow, 1) = "第" & arrArng(i, 1) & "考场"                Lines = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(arrArng(i, 2) / arrArng(i, 3), 0)                n = 0                For j = 1 To Lines                    For k = 1 To arrArng(i, 3)                        m = m + 1                        n = n + 1                        If m > UBound(arr) Then                            GoTo Exitline                        End If                        .Cells(iRow + j, k) = j & k & "." & arr(m, 3)                        If n = arrArng(i, 2) Then                            GoTo NextRoom                        End If                    Next                Next            End IfNextRoom:        NextExitline:        Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, iCol))        rng.Select        With Selection            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection            .Font.Size = 12            .RowHeight = 20        End With    End With    MsgBox "共" & UBound(arr) & "人,安排完成 " & m & "人!"   Unload MeEnd Sub
Private Sub CmdExit_Click() Unload MeEnd Sub



Public WithEvents txtBox As MSForms.TextBoxPrivate previousValue As StringPublic Sub ReceiveTextbox(ByVal reTextbox As MSForms.TextBox)    Set txtBox = reTextboxEnd SubPrivate Sub txtBox_Change()    Dim ctrl As Control    Dim currTotal As Integer    On Error Resume Next    Dim endNum As Integer, currEndNum As Integer    currEndNum = Val(Mid(txtBox.Name, 7))    txtBox.Text = Val(txtBox.Text)    With UserForm1        For Each ctrl In .Controls            If ctrl.Name Like "topTb_*" Then                currTotal = currTotal + Val(ctrl.Text)            End If        Next        remainder = total - currTotal        If remainder < 0 Then            MsgBox "超出!"            txtBox.Text = previousValue            Exit Sub        ElseIf remainder = 0 Then            For Each ctrl In .Controls                endNum = Val(Mid(ctrl.Name, 7))                If endNum > currEndNum Then                    .Controls.Remove ctrl.Name                End If            Next            Set txtBox = .Controls("topTb_" & currEndNum)            .CmdAdd.top = txtBox.top            .FrmHeader.Height = txtBox.top + txtBox.Height + 15            .CmdConfirm.top = .FrmHeader.top + .FrmHeader.Height + 5            .CmdExit.top = .CmdConfirm.top            .Height = .CmdConfirm.top + .CmdConfirm.Height + 35        End If        .LbRemainder = "剩余:" & remainder    End WithEnd Sub
Private Sub txtbox_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) ' 在按下任意键之前,存储当前值 previousValue = txtBox.ValueEnd Sub




Private Sub CmdArrange2_Click()    Application.ScreenUpdating = False    UserForm1.Show    Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub


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