
​荣格答记者问 About death(关于死亡)

 生命的启示 2023-12-07 发布于江苏


You have written, at one time and another some sentences which have surprised me a little, about death. Now, in particular I remember you said that death is psychologically just as important as birth and like it it’s an integral part of life. But surely it can’t like birth if it’s an end, can it?


荣格:Yes, if it’s an end, and there we are not quite certain about this end because you know there are these peculiar faculties of the psyche that it isn’t entirely confined to space and time. You can have dreams or visions of the future, you can see around corners and such things. Only ignorance denies these facts, you know, it’s quite evident that they do exist, and have existed always. Now these facts show that the psyche, in part at least is not dependent upon these confinements. And then what? When the psyche is not under that obligation to live in time and space alone, and obviously it doesn’t, then to that extent the psyche is not subjected to those and that means a practical continuation of life, of a sort of psychical existence beyond time and space.

是的,如果它是一种终结,(自然就如你所言了),但是我们对这个所谓的“终结”也还不是非常确定,因为你知道,心灵有很多独特的能力,它并不会完全受到空间和时间的限制,你可以在睡梦或幻象里预见未来,你能(在心灵里)看遍任何角落,还有很多类似的事情,除非你刻意忽略这类事实,否则就无法否认它,你知道,有相当多的证据证明此类情况确实存在,自古至今。那么这些事实说明,心灵并不会受到(空间和时间的)约束,至少心灵的一部分并不受这些约束。那将如何呢?当心灵不是仅仅存在于时间和空间之内,显然它肯定不是, 在一定程度上讲,心灵并不受到这些法则的约束,那意味着在超越时间和空间之外某处,有某种心灵层面的存在,它是生命的延续。

记者:Do you yourself believe that death is probably the end or do you believe that……


荣格:Well I can’t say. You see, the word belief is a difficult thing for me. I don’t believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it. I don’t need to believe it. I don’t allow myself, for instance, to believe a thing just for the sake of believing it. I can’t believe it. But when there are sufficient reasons for a certain hypothesis I shall accept, this is naturally. I should say, ”We had to reckon with the possibility of so and so”, you know.


记者:Well now, you’ve told us that we should regard death as being a goal and that to shrink away from it is to evade life and make life purposeless. What advice would you give to people in their later life to enable them to do this, when most of them must in fact believe that death is the end of everything?


荣格:Well, you see, I have treated many old people and it’s quite interesting to watch what the unconscious is doing with the face that it is apparently threatened with a complete end. It disregards it. Life behaves as if it were going on, and so I think it is better for an old person to live on to look forward to the next day as if he had to spend centuries, and then he lives properly. But when he is afraid, when doesn’t look forward, he looks back, he petrifies, he gets stiff, and he dies before his time. But when he’s living and looking forward to the great adventure that is ahead, then he lives, and that is about what the unconscious is intending to do. Of course, it’s quite obvious that we are all going to die and this is the sad finale of everything, but nevertheless, there is something in us that doesn’t believe it apparently. But this is merely a fact, a psychological fact. It doesn’t mean to me that proves something. It simply is so. For instance, I may not know why we need salt, but we prefer to eat salt because we feel better. And so when you think in a certain way you may feel considerably better and I think if you think along the lines of nature, then you think properly.


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