

 英语俱乐部 2024-03-21 发布于浙江



Tom could communicate well with other people through the computer or even on the phone, but when it came to making public presentations, he was hopeless. He was aware that people at conferences would count up the times he said such things as “what I really meant to say was” when he got nervous.
Tom was an expert in Reality Robotics Company. His boss had asked him to do something that he was absolutely scared about. The next month he would be presenting on behalf of his company, and there would be a lot of people, and his boss, who had never attended Tom’s presentations, wanted to impress the audience with the innovative work that the company was doing. Tom knew his boss’s respect for him would plummet(坠落) if he said that he could not do it. So, he worked like crazy on the task.
One day, he felt a great need to relax. He turned on the TV. He laughed, and smiled through the first show, making him feel a little better. But it was the second show that really got to him, where the ventriloquist(腹语术者)Arthur worked with his dummy(假人). This really provided him with an inspiration for how he was going to make his much-feared presentation a success.
The next day, he organized a meeting of the people that had the skills he needed, and, of course, his boss. When he explained what he wanted to do, he could sense that everyone was with him on this plan. But a lot of work had to be done for the object of the plan to be completed.
It was the day of the presentation. Tom was somewhat nervous, but nowhere near to the extent that he usually was for just such a situation. And they had to get to their destination early, for what needed to be done had to be completed before the audience knew what was going on.
The much-anticipated presentation started.
Tom walked onto the stage, looking exactly the same as the presenter.
The much-anticipated presentation started. The presenter spoke in a calm and well-organized way, displaying amazing products of the innovative work of the company as well ashow the goals had been achieved. He even mingled the speech with jokes from time to time, which aroused joyful laughter from the audience, who were all immersed in the refreshing atmosphere. At the end of the speech, the presenter said, “To conclude today’s presentation, we’ll invite a mysterious guest here. You can never guess who he is!” (80 words)
Tom walked onto the stage, looking exactly the same as the presenter. Dumbfounded, the audience were all rooted to the spot and then couldn’t help exclaiming, “How could it be?” They thought they were twins at first, but when Tom explained what all this was about, the audience erupted with thunderous applause, all believing it was a “mission impossible”. To assure them, Tom and the dummy presenter performed a few more dialogues, which brought the presentation to its summit. What an innovation! (70 words)

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