

 新用户17038774 2024-05-25 发布于河南


2. 早饭后老爸纠结了一会儿,最终还是决定去钓鱼。毕竟天儿挺热,他买的蚯蚓也保存不了多久,如果不钓鱼的话就浪费了。

3. 而我也没有什么特别重要的事非干不可,于是也就在家里追一个小说,看一下小鸡小鸭,让它们别乱跑就行了。

4. 上午露水起了后,我又带着俩小狗去桃园看了一圈儿。大部分油桃几乎全都熟透了,不过卖相好点的多半也都被摘去卖了,剩下的这部分就准备留着酿成果酒了。

5. 中午弄了点儿苋菜,配上点儿豆干,一起炒了个菜,那味道还真不赖。

6. 天气越来越热,中午吃完饭后给我热了一身汗。用那晒好的热水冲了个澡才稍微舒服点。趁着这股凉意正好午休,可惜天气还是太热,昏昏沉沉,断断续续也算睡了一会儿。

7. 下午一直到四五点,天儿都还挺热,以我自己的性子,我是一点儿都不想出去了,但俩小狗一直在那儿闹,于是也就戴个草帽儿,陪它俩出去走走,让它俩去池塘里洗上一澡,这样它俩才舒服点。

8. 中午的苋菜汤挺好吃,于是晚上我又掐了一把苋菜,让老爸炒了一盘儿。


1. I slept fairly well last night and woke up before 5 a.m. I listened to a book for a while. After getting up at 5, I found that my father had already gotten up. I asked him to get some food for the chicks and ducklings, while I took the little dog out for a walk and went to the roadside to look at the flowers and plants.

2. After breakfast, my father hesitated for a while and finally decided to go fishing. After all, the weather was quite hot, and the earthworms he bought couldn't be kept for long. If he didn't go fishing, it would be a waste.

3. And I didn't have anything particularly important that I had to do, so I just chased a novel at home, looked at the chicks and ducklings, and just made sure they didn't run around.

4. After the dew rose in the morning, I took the two little dogs to the peach orchard for a look. Most of the nectarines are almost all ripe, but most of the ones with better appearances have been picked and sold, and the remaining part is going to be reserved to make fruit wine.

5. At noon, I made some amaranth and stir-fried it with some dried tofu. The taste was really not bad.

6. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and I was sweating all over after eating at noon. I took a bath with the hot water that had been dried in the sun, and then I felt a little more comfortable. Taking advantage of this coolness, I took a lunch break. Unfortunately, the weather was still too hot, groggy and intermittent, and I also slept for a while.

7. It was still quite hot until four or five o'clock in the afternoon. According to my own temperament, I didn't want to go out at all, but the two little dogs kept making noises there, so I wore a straw hat and accompanied them out for a walk and let them take a bath in the pond so that they would feel more comfortable.

8. The amaranth soup at noon was quite delicious, so I picked a handful of amaranth again at night and asked my father to stir-fry a plate.

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