

 新用户17038774 2024-05-27 发布于河南


2. 早上起来给小鸡儿小鸭们弄完吃的,再带着俩小狗出去转上一圈。回来时才发现金毛不知道在哪里又抓了一只刺猬。这只刺猬还挺大,金毛都快一嘴咬不下了。

3. 早饭后把鸭圈门打开,让它们自己出去找吃的。于是这些小家伙们就一窝蜂的跑进池塘。池塘里的水快抽干了,它们就在那池塘里撒欢儿:有的撅着屁股在那水里找吃的,有的呼哧一下子钻进水里扎猛子,还有的几个一群在那泥滩上玩“水上漂”、跳芭蕾舞……

4. 上午老爸去联系了收割机,准备下午收割我家麦子。午饭后,老爸匆匆收拾一下就出了门,等了好久终于等到收割机师傅把我们家麦子收了。

5. 当老爸拉了一小三轮车斗麦子回来时,我正好已经带着小狗去桃园转了一圈回来了。

6. 据说明天要下雨,好在麦子也收割完了,我们也就放心了。

7. 晚饭做了个拍黄瓜,炒了点儿自己家的空心菜,我和老爸又喝了点儿啤酒。


1. Perhaps I fell asleep last night and then woke up after 2 o'clock. I couldn't fall asleep after going to the toilet, so I simply wrote in my diary for a while and listened to a book before falling asleep again.

2. In the morning, after getting food ready for the chicks and ducklings, I took the two puppies out for a walk. When I came back, I found that the golden retriever had caught a hedgehog somewhere again. This hedgehog is quite big, and the golden retriever can hardly fit it in its mouth.

3. After breakfast, I opened the duck pen door to let them go out and find food by themselves. So these little guys rushed into the pond in a swarm. The water in the pond was almost drained, and they were playing happily in the pond: some were sticking their butts up to find food in the water, some plunged into the water with a whoosh, and some in groups were playing "floating on water" and ballet on the mudflat...

4. In the morning, my father went to contact the harvester and prepared to harvest our wheat in the afternoon. After lunch, my father hurriedly packed up and went out. After waiting for a long time, finally the harvester master harvested our wheat.

5. When my father pulled a small tricycle bucket of wheat back, I just happened to have taken the puppy to the peach orchard for a walk and came back.

6. It is said that it will rain tomorrow. Fortunately, the wheat has been harvested, and we are relieved.

7. For dinner, I made a smashed cucumber and stir-fried some of our own water spinach. My father and I also had some beer.

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