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情侣间的英语口语。Do you want to go out with me tonight?小情侣间的英语对话。Please,please give me one more chance.求求你,请你再给我一次机会。Later tonight I will give you your real birthday present.今晚,我将给你一份真正的生日礼物。Thank you for comforting me when I am sad,loving me when I am mad,and picking me up whe...
1.I'm not myself. 我烦透了 2.Don't bother me! 别烦我! 3.Give me five more minutes please。 再给我五分钟时间好吗? 4.How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样?
1.I'm an office worker. 我是上班族。 2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。 3.I'm happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。 5.I'm glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。 6.I'll call you. 我会打电话给你。
as busy as a bee  (象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的 as graceful as a swan  (象天鹅)姿态优雅的 as gentle as a lamb  (象羊羔)性情温顺的 as cunning as a fox  (象狐狸)一样狡猾的
1.Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2.You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3.What's wrong with you? 你怎么回事?
1. absolutely not. 绝对不是。   2. are you coming with me? 你跟我一起去吗?   3. are you sure? 你能肯定吗?   4. as soon as possible. 尽快。
I’m dying to see you. 我很想见你。 I swear by the god. 我对天发誓。 Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。
a piece of one’s mind 直言不讳。blow one’s own trumpet 自吹自擂。born with a silver in one’s mouth 出生在富贵人家。He is born with a silver in one’s mouth.他是含着金钥匙出生的。on one’s word of honor 以某人的人格担保。of one’s own accord 自愿地。You are playing with the fire and you must pay the poice one da...
1.I'm not myself. 我烦透了。 2.Don't bother me! 别烦我! 3.Give me five more minutes please。 再给我五分钟时间好吗? 4.How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样? 5.Don't hog the bathroom! 别占着卫生间了! 5.Don't hog the bathroom! 别占着卫生间了!
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