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2、worry adj.________A. get along B. to get along C. to get along with D.get along with.A. worried about B. worry C. worry of D. worryabout.A. worried B. was worried C. to worry D. was worrying.In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints in the snow.But not unti...
不同___________16 习惯做某事_________ 17发现做某事……75 有能力干某事___________76 盼望干某事_________ 77 信任某人_________A. bored, to sleep B. boring, to sleep C. boring, sleeping D. bored, sleeping.A. comes, come B. will come, comes C. comes, comes D. will come, will come.A. is built, will built B. is be...
九年级Unit6-7短语句子总结。People who eat a balanced dietshould be healthier than those who onlt eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn’tthey?I prefer to only eat food that I like, butisn’t important to eat food that’s healthy, even if you don’t like it.Quite a few said they dream of going to themoon one day.It’s ve...
九年级(3-6)句子练习。九年级(3-4)句子练习。九年级(5-6)句子练习。1. 这本书必定属于露西,上面有她的名字。10. 这么多年来我们看着那些名字稀奇古怪的乐队来来住住。11. 正如这个名字所表达的那样,这个名字充满着力量。15. 快餐本身并没有问题,但是太多了就对身体有害。19. 我想大多数同意(be in agreement)水果和蔬菜...
新目标九年级Unit7--8句子翻译新目标九年级Unit7--8句子翻译。1. 我喜欢那些天气暖和的地方。2. 这就是我去年参观过的地方。5. 总的来说,法国是一个很昂贵的地方。9. 有些学生想要尽早开始工作,以便能为他们的父母提供更好的生活。10. 据报道,学生们愿意努力工作来实现他们的梦想。11. 一方面,我们想要得到良...
九年级(9-10)句子翻译。九年级(11-12)句子翻译。1.你能告诉我那里有好吃的地方?4. 商场是一个与朋友闲逛的好地方。5. 水上公园是家庭度假的好地方。
人教版九年级英语重点词组及练习。Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark.A. afraid B. terrify C. terrified D. worry.( ) 2. I don’t think teenagers should be allowed to drive, because they are _____. A. not enough serious B. not serio...
做某事对某人来说困难 ____________看见某人在做某事______________做某事是我们的责任__________某人花时间或钱做某事________放弃做某事__________某人有必要做某事_________对某事要求严格________________想做某事___________有机会做某事________等某人做某事__________邀请某人做某事_________对做某事有信心__________希望做某事_______...
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