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Boy 1: Do you learn English by watchingEnglish-language videos?He’s beenlearning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammaris a great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English moviesisn’t a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes,however, he fin...
worry about sb./ sth.be afraid _______ sth/ doing sth怕某事、怕做做某事 The girls is _____ _______ snakes.13、be / get excited about sth.=== be / get excited about doing sth. === be excited__ do sth. 对...感兴奋 如:A. speak, to speak B. spoken , speak C. speaking , speaking D. to speak, speak.It is very helpfu...
九年级英语Unit 1单元测试卷。12. Maria is from France. She studies English by _____ English movies.4. ___ more is a good way to learn English well.6. I found it difficult ______ English, because English grammar was difficult.7. The best way to learn English well is _____ English language movies.Have you had an English ...
九年级英语新目标Unit 1单元检测试题。-I learn English by _________. A. listen to cassettes B. speak it C. listening to cassettesD. ask the teacher( )2.We are all ______ the _______ news. A. frustrating, frustrated B. frustrating, frustrating, C. frustrated, frustrated D. frustrated, frustrating( )9.
A. speak, to speak B. spoken , speak.C. speaking , speaking D. to speak, speak.I’m not good at English ,so I’m______ to answer questions in the English class .English is very important .It doesn’t ______ if you don’tunderstand every word in reading English magazines.______ ______ join the English club to improve...
(Go for it)新目标九年级英语Unit 1 重点短语集锦及训练题新目标九年级英语Unit 1 重点短语集锦及训练题。1. spoken English 2. make a mistake, make mistakes 3. listen to.13. first of all, at first , to begin with 14. take notes, make notes。1. be afraid of sth. : She __________...
Task2: Talk about how to learn English.(1)first of all ______ (2) beafraid to do _________ (3) laugh at _______ (4) make complete sentences________ (5) start to do ________ (6) watch English --language TV ________ (7)lots of listening practice _______ (8) the secrets of ________ (9) Englishgrammer _______ (10)决定做...
新目标英语九年级第一单元?SELF?CHECK?教案Unit 1 How do you study for a test? SELF CHECK 教案。The best way to improve your English is to join an English club.Yesterday I asked Xu Zheng about his ways to learn English.As English is learned mostly through reading in China, we shall now turn to page 8 to learn to read t...
I don''t know how to learn by using English.I don''t know how to read English magazines.I don''t know how to joining the English club.I don''t know how to ask teachers about the best ways to learn more English.Teacher: Why don''t you join an English language club to practice spe...
新目标英语九年级第一单元?Section?A?教案Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Section A 教案Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Next turn to page 2 and check the ways you study for an English test.Boy1: You did really well on the last English test, didn''t you, Mei?Boy1: Do you learn English by watchi...
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