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"When you keep listening to speakers, you let them reinforce their sense that they're right," said Nance Rosen, managing director of NAX Partners, a marketing and communications firm in Los Angeles. "It's like they're building brick after brick of a fortress by talking more."成功》一书...
考研英语每日一课(阅读理解-阐述主旨的事实和有关细节)例1 (1996年考题第2篇55题)选项B的内容“公司的老板更了解自己的工人”在原文第二句“The paid manager …, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business ...
Passage 1.Passage 2.Passage 6 Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes.[A] Some procrastinators seek help for their problem [B] Procrastinators, in general, put off things deliberately so as to avoid a real test [C] Procrastinators usually think that they are very bad at organizing thei...
每篇短文都有主题思想,而作者表现主题思想的手法各不相同。因为标题常常隐含于主题句之中,主题句只能使考生在定标题的时候有所启发,考生只能根据主题句进行再抽象,然后找到标题。第二节 掌握短文主题句 为使读者能直接地了解语篇的主旨大意,作者通常采取主题句的写作手法,即用一句或几句话来直接表达主题。短文的主题思想在首段有所概括...
In one 1 there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it.Passage Nine B B D C C B A C B BPassage Ten B D D A D C D B C BPassage Eleven A A B C D A D B A APassage Twelve B B B D C C A C C APassage Thirteen C B B C A C A D A BPassage Fourteen A B D B C D D D C BPassage Fifteen C A C D B A B C D ...
One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is 1 to say what he thinks.No one 5 to stop such speakers.Passage One A A C B B D A B C DPassage Two C B D C A B D A A DPassage Three B D A D C B D B B BPassage Four D B A B A B B D C CPassage Five A A B D A A C D C APassage Six D B B D D A C B A BPassage Seve...
根据上下文的语义及结构搭配,可以推断这里指的是处理废水的新方法(技术),鉴于ways是复数形式与题意和谓语单数动词(uses)均不相符,正确答案应是D项。从语法结构看,四个备选答案均可填入此处,但从上文“to finish one book at least every week”和下文“with little spare time”来分析,正确答案只有 busy,因为“ with little spare time...
如果选项是非谓语动词,则主要考虑被选项与前边或后边的谓语动词或介词在结构上是否搭配或意义上是否符合逻辑。5) 四个选项是介词,应该注意被选项能否和它后边的名词或ING分词构成成语或固定搭配,还要注意被选项是否和前边的动词构成动词短语。除了从句子结构和逻辑关系这个角度回读短文外,还要从篇章结构和意思完整的这一角度去回读短文...
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