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作为一名博客写手,我不断升级写作技巧,作为一名演讲人,我不断升级公共事务处理技巧。14.正确认识自己的盲点  从科学角度来说,盲点是指眼睛无法看见东西的地方。盲点大发现有趣好玩,因为我总能从中发现自己的新的一面,就算深受我以为已经对自己的盲点了如指掌(不过,这种以为也是一种盲点吧?)然后,我将着手开始解决新发现的盲点  ...
The antrum is filled with proteins, hormones and other molecules, and divides the granulosa cells into two groups: the cumulus cells that are in close proximity of the oocyte, and the mural granulosa cells in the periphery (Figure, 4.While the oocyte matures, which takes 12-14 hours, a sticky mucified matrix develops ...
Maternal to zygotic transition.Maternal to zygotic transition (MZT) is the stage in embryonic development during which development comes under the exclusive control of the zygotic genome.Maternal to zygotic transition (MZT) is the period during which zygotic genes are activated and maternal transcripts are cleared.
Pronuclear Injection Transgenic Mouse: Pronuclear InjectionHow do you make a transgenic mouse?Progeny are analyzed for transgene integration and positive mice subsequently mated, their offspring screened for transgene expression and, where positive, used to develop transgenic lines with stable integration and expre...
目前,NCBI提供的资源有Entrez、Entrez Programming Utilities、My NCBI、PubMed、PubMed Central、Entrez Gene、NCBI Taxonomy Browser、BLAST、BLAST Link (BLink)、Electronic PCR等共计36种功能,而且都可以在NCBI的主页www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov上找到相应链接,其中多半是由BLAST功能发展而来的。Entrez基因组计划数据库与其它Entrez数据库,...
Primer-BLAST免除了用另一个站点或工具设计引物的步骤,设计好的引物程序直接用Blast进行引物特异性验 证。Primer-BLAST有许多改进的功能,这样在选择引物方面比单个的用 Primer3和NCBI BLAST更加准确。在specificity check区,选择设计引物或验证引物时的目标数据库和物种。特别是,当你用NCBI的参考序列作为模板和参考序列数据库作为标准 来...
用软件设计引物(Primer Premier &Oligo)用软件设计引物(Primer Premier &Oligo) 使用不合适的PCR 引物容易导致实验失败:表现为扩增出目的带之外的多条带(如形成引物二聚体带),不出带或出带很弱,等等。Analyze中第二项为Duplex Formation,即二聚体形成分析,可以选择上游引物或下游引物,分析上游引物间二聚体形成情况和下游...
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