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大同城区警方侦破特大团伙系列盗窃汽车案,涉案金额60万余元 大同城区警方侦破特大团伙系列盗窃汽车案,涉案金额60万余元 原创 2017-03-28 城区刑侦情报队 微雨小草 微雨小草。沐浴着微雨,微雨小草与您一同茁壮成长。昨天,大同城区警方打掉一重大盗窃汽车、汽车电瓶等犯罪团伙,抓获嫌犯4名,破案120余起,目前,警方正在带嫌犯对案...
《BBC新闻:英格兰城市伯明翰发生暴动》0’24” The deaths of the three men in the Winson Green area of the city led to increased community tensions and fears of reprisals.此句中led以爆破音[d]结尾,遇到以爆破音[t]开头的to,前者失去爆破,led被略读为[le]。The deaths of the three men in the Winson Green area of the city led...
《Parking Services 泊车服务(酒店英语口语)》Parking Services 泊车服务。《Parking in a Car Park 停车场停车》A:This is guest''s car park. Sir,this way,please.(1)24小时停车场:24-hour parking.(9)来客停车场:guest''s car park.(20)前后停车:Car park front and rear.(23)那是贵宾停车场:That'&#...
《Car Services 汽车服务(酒店英语口语)》当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 0:55 Car Services 汽车服务 来自百日英语教育李鹤老师。《Could you call a taxi for me?B:Could you call a taxi for me?B:OK. I''ll take the return tour by taxi.A:Please wait a moment. I''ll get ...
《BBC新闻:考古学家首次在墨西哥南部大山中发现玛雅墓穴》而tomb是句中的重点词,说明考古学家的发现是一座墓穴。0’38” ...they discovered nine black figures painted on blood-red walls句中的blood-red是一个复合词,blood是“血,血液”的意思,而red是“红色”的意思,因此blood-red意为“血红色”。考古学家于1999年首次在墨西哥南部...
《Making a Reservation 客房预订(酒店英语口语)》B:I''d like a twin room for seven nights from June 20th.Thank you for waiting,sir. We have a twin available for four nights from June 20th and also June 25th,but I''m afraid there is none available on the night of June 24th.A:I''m very sorry...
《BBC新闻:革命家埃内斯托切格瓦拉一份未发表的日记在古巴公开》0’30” This new book called Diary of a Combatant is the first time a full unedited version of the Argentine-born revolutionary’s diaries has(have口误)been made available.此句中unedited以爆破音[d]结尾,而version以摩擦音[v]开头,二者相遇时前者发生不完全爆破...
《Check-in入住登记(酒店英语口语)》当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 0:49 Check-in入住登记 来自百日英语教育李鹤老师。Check-in入住登记。《Check-in 住宿登记》A:Mr. Damon,could you fill out the registration card,please?A:May I take a print of your card,please?Please sign at the Ca...
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