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光明与黑暗-Fortran传奇source: http://www.fortran.com/forsaga.htmlThe Fortran (not the foresight) saga: the light and the darkThis paper was published in Fortran Forum, Vol 9 No 2, October 1990, pp 23-32.Except at one point the ACM''s role has been mainly the passive one of distributing information through publ...
Ordinarily I don''t attempt to correct the web one fact at a time but a few days ago I received an email from a Belgian Scot who discovered one of my publicly accessible private pages via Alta Vista''s infernal spider.Reference: Fortran Story - The Real Scoop, Forum on Risks to the Public in Computer a...
Fortran 90高级技巧:函数作为参数的传递Advanced Fortran 90: Callbacks with the Transfer FunctionBy drewmccormack at Mon, Dec 11 2006 4:26am |What transfer actually is is a means of casting data from one type to another.subroutine IncrementAndPrintStructure(data)character(len=1) :: data(:)type(structure) :: t0t0 = trans...
Fortran77 to Fortran90 style convertersNote that, with some extremely minor exceptions, the whole of Fortran77 is a subset of Fortran90, so that no conversion of astandard conforming Fortran77 program is necessary.Fortran77The Fortran77 Standard was in use for a long time but has long been superseded by Fortran90 and ...
Portland Group Fortran Compilers --- PG has released High-Performance Fortran and Fortran-77 compiler products.Imagine1 F Compiler --- F is a language which is a subset of Fortran 95, and the latest release contains some features anticipated for Fortran-200X. It is not Fortran 77 compatible, but Jos Bergervoet reports...
Fortran代码库这是John Burkardt设在爱荷华州州立大学网站上的Fortran代码库,他曾经作为访问学者21 August 2000 to 30 June 30 2002在爱荷华州州立大学数学系。
Fortran 2003作者:王咏刚1. 不断变革的Fortran2004年5月,Fortran 2003,这个新世纪里诞生的Fortran语言新标准,终于在ISO、IEC的联合工作组JTC1/SC22/WG5以及美国Fortran委员会NCITS/J3的共同努力下,走完了编撰、修订的最后一步。实际上,Fortran 95和Fortran 2003陆续引入并行语法的目的之一是消除标准Fortran语言与已经存在并得到广泛应用...
win7 x64环境下安装 CVF6.6keywords:win7 x64 CVF6.6 (for reference only)date:January 6th,2010.其中,cmd 是指命令行方式,/k 是指运行后面的命令,cd 是指进入源文件在的目录,& 相当于命令行方式下的下一个命令,df 是 cvf 的编译器,因为前面已经装了cvf,df已经加入到 windows 环境变量中了,df 可以在任何一个目录中调用,pause...
Fortran语言的优点和缺点。选择Fortran语言的原因包括以下几种。q 存在大量使用Fortran 77或其早期版本(如Fortran 66,也称为Fortran IV)编写的软件。使用标准的、符合Fortran 90、95和2003规范的编译器可以重新编译这些软件的代码,这样就能保护你在已有代码方面的所有重要投资。世界上大约有15%的代码是用Fortran编写的。
FORTRAN 90标准函数符号约定:l I代表整型;R代表实型;C代表复型;CH代表字符型;S代表字符串;L代表逻辑型;A代表数组代表指针;T代表派生类型;AT为任意类型。n:I,结果类型同n表8 数组运算、查询和处理函数函数名说明ALL(m[,d])*判定逻辑数组m各元素是否都为"真"。a:A,d:I,m:L-A,结果:A,大小=维数PACK(a,m[,v])将数组a中对应m掩码数组元素...
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