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Iterator variables should be named using i, j and k. However, in the case of a loop consisting of many lines of code, a longer and more meaningful name should preferably be used and should be prefixed with either i, j or k.A GLOBAL VARIABLE. However, the use of global variables and constants should be kept to a mini...
matlab cannot save pathFirst solution :change the writing permission of the MATLAB installation files.check which folder use it. in matlab command line, type >> which pathdef -all.Solution 3: actually, this was caused by the files in folder Blur/BSR/SpatialLayout So, we just need to compress SpatialLayout ...
`GLIBCXX_3.4.15'' not found matlab Ubuntu。Invalid MEX-file ''/home/tiago/Documents/MATLAB/mexopencv/+cv/findChessboardCorners.mexa64'': /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15'' not found (required by usr/local/lib/libopencv_cal...
matlab on TeraGrid-----安装问题---1最近因为实验室的高速机器送回去了。注意,当运行>> cacRegisterCertificate();遇到问题(见http://www.cac.cornell.edu/matlab/downloads/InstallFAQ.aspx 最后一个) Undefined variable "edu" or class"edu.cornell.cac.tuc.littlejohn.globus.CertManager.getInstance".但是...
LIBSVM: Suppressing output from cross validation in MatlabLIBSVM: Suppressing output from cross validation in Matlab rafan Wrote:You need to modify svm.cpp then recompile it.void info(const char *fmt,...)This only suppress the output given from the call toinfo("abc\n");Instead the cross validation output in ...
我只简要的将其规则总结如下7条:1、只有使用以下数据类型,matlab才会对其加速:logical,char,int8,uint8,int16,uint16,int32,uint32,double而语句中如果使用了非以上的数据类型则不会加速,如:numeric,cell,structure,single,function handle,java classes,user classes,int64,uint642、matlab不会对超过三维的数组进行加速。
Matlab注释技巧Matlab注释技巧。有两个办法:一种是选定后 ctrl+r和ctrl+t一种是在段首加 if 0 ,段尾加 end,中间都不执行,也就相当于注释掉了。6. matlab7中有block comments 来注释掉一段程序:%{、%}。也可以选中要注释内容,在右键菜单中选择Comment (Uncomment去掉注释标记),或使用快捷键Ctrl+R。将光标放在需要注释的行中,按Ctrl+R,...
Matlab 如何设置 自定义函数 的调用把所有的自定义函数(例如DSP)放到一个地方,比如在默认的/home/tiger/Document/Matlab 中, 再把函数拷到下面。(如果是自己加的函数,就 转回matlab,file-->set path-->add folder 浏览到mydsp并保存就ok了。)这样, 以后无论在哪儿都可以调用 自定义的函数了。
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