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《出境旅游常用英语》及最全食物英文翻译。粥 congee (rice soup)面条 noodle.卤肉饭 Braised pork rice.馄饨面 Wonton &noodles.麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles.鴨肉面 Duck with noodles.榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles.牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles.米粉 Rice noodles.炒米粉 Fried rice noodles.貢丸汤 Meat bal...
英语语法原来这么简单之三 动词Verbs。Verbs in their simplest form, used with the word ''to'', are known as infinitives. ''To speak'' and ''to run'', for example, are infinitives of the verbs ''speak'' and ''run''-you will often use an i...
In the same way that an adjective gives extra information about a noun, an adverb gives you more detail about a verb.Each of the following words is an adverb and, as you can see, a lot of adverbs end in ''-ly'':Where Did I put My Adverb?Depending on where you put them, some adverbs, such as ''e...
GEL: 0.9 Lexile:BR.GEL: 1.0 Lexile:BR.GEL: 1.2 Lexile:BR.GEL: 1.3 Lexile:AD360L.GEL: 1.5 Lexile:BR.GEL: 1.6 Lexile:AD430L.GEL: 1.8 Lexile:AD360L.GEL: 2.0 Lexile:AD490L.GEL: 2.1 Lexile:AD430L.GEL: 2.1 Lexile:AD240L.GEL: 2.3 Lexile:AD160L.GEL: 2.3 Lexile:AD330L.GEL: 2.4 Lexile:AD440L.GEL: 2.4 Lexile:AD590L.GEL: 2.5 Lexi...
另外,该分级最多到Z(美国小学六年级水平),这样英文阅读水平达到及超过美国初中水平的孩子就不适合使用这套系统。很多学校用DRA测试孩子英文阅读水平,然后为孩子推荐A-Z系统的分级图书。学校、家长和老师是如何知道孩子们的英文阅读水平所对应的AR分值呢?如果学生的STAR测试结果是GE 3.2 (Atos 3.2,表示等同于美国三年级第二个月英文阅...
今天我们来学习一下Fuck的用法。RT,今天我们来学习一下fuck的用法。fuck作为名词单用在句首时表示的是同样的意思:“卧槽!”“妈蛋“”这不科学!下面来讲一下fuck的派生词——fucking。以上呢,是fucking作为副词用在动词形容词前。这里的fucking,就和fuck、what the fuck是一样的意思了。好了,学了这么多(只有他妈fuck和fucking的用法好...
中国风版《冰雪奇缘》主题曲《Let it go》《冰雪奇缘》经典主题曲《Let it go》,被一位牛人将歌词翻译成了文言文演唱!《let it go》Don''tlet them in, don''t let them see.Conceal,don''t feel, don''t let them know.Letit go, let it go.Idon''t care what they''re going to say.Letth...
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