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【经济学人】Vietnam's drying delta 2016.4.30.The episode has only heightened fears that China (with which Vietnam has an enormous trade de?A related problem is the ruling Communist Party’s obsession with maximising rice production. Straining to hit absurd targets—inspired by memories of post-war food shortages—the...
Not long ago sceptics dismissed Facebook itself as a fad.Facebook claims nearly 1.6 billion monthly users for its social network (see chart 1 on next page).Facebook has reached its position of influence and power by defying three maxims about the internet: that social networks have short lifespans, that it is impossib...
【取经号图书馆】重温经典——《可爱的骨头》希伯德至今出版了3本著作,其中在2002年出版的小说《可爱的骨头》(The Lovely Bones)得到相当良好的社会评价,使她跻身为美国畅销作家之一。希伯德在高中毕业后就读雪城大学。《可爱的骨头》(又名《苏西的世界》)讲述一名年轻女孩苏西,放学后在玉米田遭到谋杀,以苏西为第一人称观点,从天堂观...
【取经号经济学人随身听】2016.02.27 Making Indonesia work.当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 4:39 Making Indonesia work 来自取经号JTW.If Jokowi is to be the man to lead Indonesia to sustained prosperity, he needs to toughen his reformist mettle—and quickly. The to-do list is a long one,...
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