睿怡 IP属地:广东

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黑芝麻豆浆。芝麻蜂蜜豆浆用  料:黄豆,黑芝麻,蜂蜜40克,水制  作:将黑芝麻与浸泡过的黄豆入入豆浆机滤网,开动豆浆机自动完成。3、将泡好的黄豆、红枣和枸杞装入家用全自动豆浆机网罩内,杯体内加入清水,启动豆浆机,十几分钟豆浆煮熟即可。3、将红枣洗净与莲子肉、黄豆一并装入家用全自动豆浆机网罩内,杯体内加入清水,启动豆浆机,...
My Lily Smells Sweet2012-12-27 Thur.Their old lord said they might be deadthey would never blossom.Next next month, one flower blossoms in pink, then comes into two, three.The 3 dark photoes are going to blossom in 12 flowers, all in lovely pink and white.In the air tonight, my lily smells so sweet.
I can’t change my parents, can you?My parents seldom buy new clothes for themselves.We should have been very close as parents and daughter, but the distance has become so long, with my long time working 1000kms far away from them and telephone as the only communication tool.And what is a little funny is that in thei...
A Reflection on My English Learning.He makes lots of Chinese friends in Guangzhou, he invites his Chinese friends to his house, he talks to them, now he speaks Chinese so fluently within one year.Make friends on internet and talk with those who want to speak English too.All in all, interest in English, or say the pass...
面对大家的夸奖,他自己透露了自己成功的谜底——   刚当上指挥的时候,我也有些飘飘然,以为自己才华举世无双,地位无人可撼。一天排练,我忘了带指挥棒,正要派人回家去取,秘书说:"不必了吧,向乐队其他人借一根不就行了?"我想:秘书真是糊涂,除了我,别人带指挥棒干吗?但我还是随便问了一声:"谁有指挥棒?"话音...
西红柿Mon.2011-05-23 Sunny (儿子)"我要吃西红柿"。(妈妈)"你知道西红柿吃多了会怎么样吗"?(儿子)"会怎么样呀"?(妈妈)"人会变成西红柿人。脸会长得跟西红柿一样"。(儿子)"哦,那我不吃了"。
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