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高中英语英语作文万能句型。英语考试外大家最头痛的可能是英语作文了吧,如何写出质质较高的英语作文呢?无没无可供借鉴的句型来套用?现在我告诉你,对于高外英语作文而言,是无常用句型套用的,只要你控制了这些英语常用句型,就能组合出一篇质质上佳的英语作文了。1. 经典句型:更多经典句型:所以不妨试用下面的句型:为了能写出更佳的英语...
每小题2分,满分30分)Samuel can’t understand why everyone is so surprised. “I grew upwith music. My mother played the piano and my father played theguitar. About two years ago, I suddenly decided to start playingthe piano, without being able to read music and without having anylessons. It comes easily to me ---I hea...
What people from New Mexico know it means: The breathtaking sight as hundreds of vibrantly colored, whimsical hot-air balloons take flight over Albuquerque at the annual International Balloon Fiesta.What people from New Mexico know it means: Menacing, nasty, thorny assemblages of evil that chase innocent pedestrians, ...
自然界和人间社会存在各式各样的效应。The term “greenhouse effect” has two common meanings. There is a natural greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth’s climate warm and habitable. There is also a man-made greenhouse effect, which is the enhancement of Earth’s natural greenhouse effect by the addition of greenhouse g...
吉尼斯宣布扬州炒饭纪录挑战无效,“扬州炒饭”英语怎么说?吉尼斯世界纪录官方确认,300人烹饪了4吨扬州炒饭,但是由于存在浪费食物现象,其世界纪录挑战无效。【讲解】 文中的Yangzhou fried rice就是“扬州炒饭”的意思,又名扬州蛋炒饭(Yangzhou egg-fried rice),常用的配料有鸡蛋(egg)、海参(sea cucumber)、火腿(ham)、虾仁...
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