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The helmets in the imagebelong to the racing drivers and they mean that if you use our mobile phone,you will feel the speed in the racing game.Combining the narrative structure and theconceptual structure, the image wants to tell us that the mobile phone is veryfast and even fast like the racing drivers in the racing ...
In the image depicting a structure, the relation exists among the components is “meaning or identity” relation. That is to say, the image depicts a symbolic process. The banana with the lace symbolizes a new type of shoes which will be created by Adidas.
My Analysis of an Public Service Adertisement on Animal Protection The advertisement was created by the organizations named Afican Wildlife Foundation,Wildlife and Save the Elephants.The advetisement told the ivory buyers that they can''t kill the elephants for their ivory just to show their wealth and powe...
My Understanding of Media Literacy In my opinion,media literacy includes three parts.The second part is the knowledge of the media such as how the messages spread.Obviously,we can benefit from the three parts when we are learning media literacy.To sum up,the media literacy education brings us knowledge and the abilit...
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