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Analysis of the first presentation.The "freemore" napkin ad, which Jirol Wang to serve as the image spokesman for it.A male sells women product, which is using strong sense of contrast to shock audience.The colors in this ad are very bright, for bringing the audience a warm feeling.Later, they emphasize that...
My analysis of YIDA chewing gum.The advertisement of YIDA chewing gum starred by GuiLunmei and PengYuyan is very good.
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal ProtectionMaggie Q acts the leading of the ad which is public service ads about protecting wild animals.However, when a bow of shark pin soup was serviced, the woman became angry.Having thrown the neckless into the bow, the woman poured the soup out on the pant ...
My understanding of media literacyBefore having the course of media literacy, I have no idea about it.And now, what I understand is that media is a way to spread information.Media, which includes TV, Internet, and mobile phone, has the great responsibility to reveal information about big events or news in life.As the ...
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