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Shadowmask模式又分为了Shadowmask和Distance Shadowmask。Distance Shadowmask原理其实和Shadowmask基本相同,同样只支持4个Mixed Light的重叠,它主要解决了静态物体阴影分辨率的问题(无论是投射到静态物体还是动态物体上),因为,这个模式下面Unity同时将实时渲染静态物体的Shadow map,也就是说,所有物体的阴影都是实时计算的,如下图所...
如上图所示,这里面创建了一个Renderer,这个Renderer也是在刚刚创建Lightweight Render Pipeline里创建的Forward Renderer,这里所谓的Custom Renderer就是创建一个Forward Renderer,但是我们可以对它做一些定制。不久前一位客户提出一个疑问:目前只能在Asset里添加Render Feature,一般是创建Renderer Asset,在Inspector里添加Render Feat...
知识点1:以下是Unity中常用包含文件:  文件名描述  1、UnityCG.cginc 包含最常用的帮助函数、宏和结构体  2、UnityShaderVariables.cginc在编译Shader时,会被自动包含进来,包含了许多内置的全局变量,如UNITY_MATRIX_MVP  3、Ligghting.cginc包含了各种内置光照模型,如果编写SurfaceShader的话,会被自动包含进来  4、HLSLSurpo...
Unity Shader preprocessor macros.UNITY_VERSION contains the numeric value of the Unity version.Preprocessor macros SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX, SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT, SHADER_STAGE_DOMAIN, SHADER_STAGE_HULL, SHADER_STAGE_GEOMETRY, SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE are defined when compiling each Shader stage.UNITY_SHADER_NO_UPGRADE allows ...
Unity中的BRDF公式。inline float GGXTerm (float NdotH, float roughness){ float a2 = roughness * roughness;}BRDF1_Unity_PBS 源码。half4 BRDF1_Unity_PBS (half3 diffColor, half3 specColor, half oneMinusReflectivity, half smoothness, float3 normal, float3 viewDir, UnityLight light, UnityIndirect gi){ float perceptualRoughn...
Most light is reflected when the surface is hit head-on, at a 0° angle. As this angle increases, the reflections will decrease. At 90°, no light hits the surface anymore, so it stays dark. The amount of diffused light is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle between the light direction and the sur...
当Scene启用了自动生成光照并且使用了 Baked Global Illumination (GI) 或者 Precomputed Realtime GI 时,编辑Scene中与光照数据相关的对象后Unity就会在后台重新烘培光照数据。仅当在Scene单独工作并且快速迭代测试该Scene的光照时开启自动生成光照数据,其他情况下都应该关闭自动生成并且手动生成光照数据。理解哪些光照设置不会受到影响、...
public static Vector2 GetSize(RectTransform rect, Space space = Space.var size = rect.rect.size;var canvasList = rect.Multiple(size, rect.lossyScale), canvas.transform.lossyScale);public static void SetSize(RectTransform rect, Vector2 targetSize, Space space = Space.Division(targetSize, rect.lossyScale), (canvas.trans...
Disable Cache for WWW.url = "http://myserver/myXMLscript.php?t=" + Random.value;So if it does cache, it caches something that never is accessed again.public static string URLAntiCacheRandomizer(this string url) { string r = "";string result = url + "?p=" + r;Just a reminder these days 201...
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