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医院各办公场所及公共服务场所标示牌中英文对照表。Pediatric Therapy Room.Medical Records Room.X光室。激光治疗室.特别治疗室。Laser Therapy Room.Special Examination Room.Special X-ray Examination Room.Internal Medicine Examination Room.肌电图室?脑波室。Internal Medicine Duty Room.社工室.协谈室。Pediatrics Duty Room.Sur...
对美女“吃豆腐”的英文怎么说?Come 差不多是我们开始学英语时就学到的词,有关come 的妙用我们也曾经介绍一二。Come on to 这个片语就是“Make sexual advances 对……轻薄;吃豆腐”的意思:想形容一件事情很容易做到,我们中文里有“易如反掌”这个词,英文里可以用come easily 来表达:Come again 也可以用来表示这个意思:Come again 还有...
“禁忌”词汇的英语表达:大便、小便、放屁“禁忌”词汇的英语表达:大便、小便、放屁一名中国留学生初到美国,在机场找厕所,问老外:Where is w.c.? 老外听不懂。最普通的说法是 to urinate(名词是 urination).然而,「小便检查」又叫做 urine test, 因为这里的 urine 是化验的样品(specimen)。I have pus (或air)in urine. (pus = cloudy; a...
“大姨妈”来了:关于月经的英语词汇“一个月总有那么几天。”已经成为了同事们互相的玩笑话,那么“大姨妈”来的这几天应该如何用英语表达呢?我今天“大姨妈”来了。2)I’m having my period./I''m on my period.我“大姨妈”昨天刚来.我的大姨妈来了。menstruation/period 月经。sanitary napkin/sanitary towel/sanitary pad 卫生...
英语动物的雌雄,老幼用词!英语动物的雌雄,老幼用词! 2007-10-02 21:56 英语中常见的动物名词,我们都已经非常熟悉,如:dog, cat, duck, pig, sheep, horse等等。表面上,它们看似与horse, duck, dog, dear, cat无关,其实,它们所指的分别正是“母马”、“公鸭”、“小狗”、“母鹿”、“小猫”。kitten 小猫tomcat 雄猫tabby  雌猫meow...
英语中动物雌雄的表达方法。下面就英语中动物雌雄的表达方法作简要探讨。前加male 或 female: male dog, female dog (公狗,母狗);前加 he- 或 she-: he-goat, she-goat (公山羊,母山羊);billy goat, nanny goat (公山羊,母山羊); bull elephant, cow elephant(公象,母象)。buck, doe (公鹿/羊/兔, 母鹿/羊/兔):tomcat, tabby (公猫,...
Part I Dictation Eco-tourism.There are lots of names for these new forms of tourism: responsible tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, educational tourism and more.Although everyone may have a different definition, most people agree that these new forms of tourism should do the following: first, they shou...
Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!   7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?(美国人绝对常用!)   13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。Don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。Don’t give me your shit. 别跟我胡扯。Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。Don’t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!Don...
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