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整个校园的功能空间围绕这个开放式的中央庭院空间展开,师生在校园的任何区域都能清晰的感受到校园核心公共空间的存在,并随时与之发生着互动。校园与城市连接的庭院garden between campus and city.设计通过下沉庭院、共享空间和不同类型窗的处理,将变化的光线融入到校园空间的塑造中,通过营造空间的连贯性和光线的引入,将地下空间和地上空...
The bedrooms have tall, narrow windows and are on the northern side while the sitting rooms and kitchens that give onto the souther side have large windows.The terraces are designed as outdoor extensions of the sitting rooms and their projections shade the large windows during the summer months while allowing the sun ...
2011ASLA专业奖{22}规划设计荣誉奖 | 谷德设计网 “This project went from macro to micro: from what we do at the city level to what we do on each doorstep. Solid urban design that used the typologies of housing, topography, and infrastructure, and ecology. A real urban vision. ”—2011 Professional Awards Jury.此外这个...
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