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A leaf...emmmmm...英语口语 | 一叶知秋?一叶知秋:从一片树叶的凋落,知道秋天的到来。A falling leaf reveals the coming of autumn.一片落叶:A falling leaf.A falling leaf heralds autumn.A falling leaf is the herald of autumn.一叶知秋有“通过局部而推知整体”的意思,因此也可作为“窥一斑而知全豹”、“观滴水而止沧海”的同义词...
世界大同不用惊慌_奶一口英文毒鸡汤。心灵鸡汤看多了没感觉?看完以下20句英语毒鸡汤,保证扎心!The best thing to do first thing in the morning is go right back to sleep.4. Never go to the gym again.The best things in life are actually really expensive.Every time I took in the mirror I see a person I truly hate.If you neve...
英语口语 | 自不量力_没有金刚钻就别揽瓷器活_怎么说。bite off more than one can chew.bite:bite off:chew:再通俗点可以说是“没有金刚钻,别揽瓷器活”I mean, if we bite off more than we can chew,we''''''''ll lose everything. You need to pick one.所以对于在龙岗学习英语口语的学习者也应该:Do...
英语口语 | 英语中表示“易于...的”or“有...倾向的”常用形容词。英语中表示“易于...的”或“有...倾向的”常用形容词有:liable、susceptible、vulnerable、subject、apt、prone.这六个形容词后都接to,在意思用法上略区别。多用作表语,接介词 to 或不定式 to do sth.例句:接介词 to。与介词 to 连用也可表示“易于···...
Success is so much more than just money or fame.If you don''''''''t believe that you can have the life you desire, if you don''''''''t believe that you can achieve all that you are setting out to achieve, it is going to be very difficult to create a succe...
英语口语 | 怎样开头提意见?In life we''re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn''t been asked for!3. In my opinion 在我看来 (opinion 意见,主张)All three expressions are a way of giving your opinion when you know that people may not like what you hav...
The lark has a special place in British wildlife – its silvery song inspired the piece that, according one recent poll, has become the country’s favourite piece of classical music. We have long associated the lark with daybreak, even before Shakespeare wrote the lark, the herald of the morn: a person who gets up ear...
用PPT也能轻松搞定抠图!这种时候我们就需要把图标的背景抠掉,只留下图标主体,对于这种背景单一,且图片主体与背景对比反差大的图片,我们可以使用 PPT 菜单栏中【图片工具】-【颜色】-【设置透明色】,然后点击图片的背景即可。设置透明色的抠图方法虽然便捷,但是局限性很大,只适用于纯色背景且图片主体与背景相差很大的情况,如果图片主...
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