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港口类英文单词的区别 来自百度文库tiandon2.
口语说起来[... 来自VOA.
--听力的小技巧。Do not translate into your native language.By remaining calm, allowing yourself to not understand, and not translating while listening, your brain is free to concentrate on the most important thing: understanding English in English.This may seem obvious to you, but remember that understanding the main ...
当cat和dog放在一起,可不止表示猫和狗~rain cats and dogs.rain cats and dogs 是英语里比较古老的用法,like rain cats and dogs。尽管rain cats and dogs 的出处。下面我们便聊一聊关于cats and dogs一些用法。lead a cat-and-dog life.例句:They were so happy together when they first started dating, but after 10 years together, th...
英语新闻中常用同义替换词英语新闻中常用同义替换词 ?
Pub、bar、lounge、club有什么不同? 酒斛网 05-30 17:01 大。Pub、bar、lounge、club有什么不同?Pub、bar、lounge、club读完这篇文章再也不用傻傻分不清楚……Pub是英国的传统酒吧,在英国和前英国殖民地国家最常见。▲Pub内景。Cocktail bar不仅有鸡尾酒,而且是讲求鸡尾酒质量的酒吧,当然也是尚饮最爱去、最爱谈的酒吧。Club和其它酒吧的...
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