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<IfModule worker.c> ThreadLimit 10 ServerLimit 2 StartServers 1 MaxClients 2 MinSpareThreads 1 MaxSpareThreads 2 ThreadsPerChild 1 MaxRequestsPerChild 1 </IfModule>httpd.conf的MPM配置如上例,在监控页面中的输出如下,其中有2个进程,各10个ThreadLimit,但由于ThreadsPerChild的限制,其实很多.是没有用的。
Apache MPM.Sinceit is not a fully threaded version, it retains much of the stability ofa process-based server by maintaining multiple processes, eachcomprising of numerous threads(like a tree structure - with processes asbranches and threads as the leaves).Eventhough other web-servers are making inroads into Apache’s...
When PHP is running as a DSO, PHP variables can be changed by using the “.htaccess”file. Once you switch to suPHP this is no longer applicable. Allsettings will have to changed using a php.ini file in the correspondingfolder. Not only that, if you leave the values in the “.htaccess” filePHP will not work in those ...
Apache 学习笔摘。当 KeepAliveTimeout 等 0 或者 KeepAlive 关闭时,KeepAliveTimeout 不参与乘的运算从上面的公式看,如果 [每秒用户请求] 多,[KeepAliveTimeout] 的值大,[平均KeepAlive请求] 的值小,都会造成 [Apache进程数] 多和 [内存] 多,但是当 [平均KeepAlive请求] 的值越大时,[Apache进程数] 和 [内存] 都是趋向于减少的。apache...
Apache fastcgi mysql服务器的配置实例。服务器的生产环境是 apache+mpmworker+fastcgi。set-variable = key_buffer_size=256Mset-variable = thread_concurrency=16set-variable = max_connections=200set-variable = table_cache=256set-variable = max_delayed_threads=20set-variable = max_tmp_tables=128set-variable = query_cache_type...
Apache MPM 公共指令 - Apache 2.2 中文版参考手册。Listen指令指示Apache只在指定的IP地址和端口上监听;worker的默认值是"250"。这个MPM将基于整个服务器监视空闲线程数。如果服务器中总的空闲线程数太多,子进程将杀死多余的空闲线程。worker的默认值是"75"。这个MPM将基于整个服务器监视空闲线程数。如果服务器中总的...
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