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译林牛津8Bunit5单元测试题及答案。Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes. This is not true for adults, although incorrect glasses may not be good for children under 10. Ready-made glasses, and not wearing when you should, won''t do harm to your eyes, but you may see better with glasses that...
8B考点专项训练。8B考点专项训练 命题人:周军。9.-I haven’t seen him for a month.-What do you think _______to him? (happen)The girl is too young to go to school. (同义句)It seemed that an accident happened to him. (同义句)He didn’t laugh at me. He helped me. (合并) He helped me ___ __ __ at me.(同义句)He couldn’t go ...
help sb. with sth.give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.15做某事很愉快 _____________ 16帮助某人做某事_______________1)计划做某事________2)决定做某事________3)想做某事________4)希望做某事________5)学做某事__________6)同意做某事_______It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.1) plan to do sth. 2) decide to do sth. 3) wan...
〈知识链接〉⑴used to do sth →否定式used not to do sth或didn’t use to do sth→疑问式Did sb use to do sth?或Used sb to do sth? ⑵There be和used to合用的形式为There used to be。⑴give sb sth=give sth to sb,buy sb sth=buy sth for sb.give sb sth 或give sth to sb → sb be given sth或sth be given to sb,这类含有介词to...
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