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There is much talk among ''''''''progressive’ economists that the IMF and the World Bank have turned over a new leaf. Gone are the days of supporting fiscal austerity, demanding that national governments get public debt levels down and insisting on conditions for countries borrowing I...
西城、海淀严打炒作“学区房” 优质学区是重点各位粉丝:去年底以来,北京出现了部分教育资源优质的区域和小区出现了房价明显上涨的情况,进而带动其他部分区域房价出现上涨。此前在上月下旬,海淀区房管局就联合区市场监管局,对上地、万柳等区域房屋交易中介机构加大执法检查力度,对涉嫌炒作“学区房”概念、借机哄抬房价、代理未经房主书面...
谎言、天杀的谎言、和统计学(博士)那么我们就算使用单假设检验中最粗糙的门槛概率5%,按该作者本人引用的文件,至少还有其他三项指标如“神经、神经发炎、血栓”,那么加起来就已经有个四个假设,经过邦费罗尼调整后,门槛概率为1.25%,低于该作者声称“仅为”的1.9%。英语中有句老话,叫 “lies, damned lies, and statistics”——谎言、天...
The Internet Will Never Forget | WIRED.But I don’t really know how to value it, except to note that today more than 16,000 images and 1,000 videos are stored in my Apple and Google photo apps. The very first photo is from the day my ex and I built terribly ugly snowmen in Central Park. (The most recent one is a video...
Here’s why organizers think it happened.Amazon creamed the union drive in Bessemer, Alabama.One of the prevailing theories is that the lack of house calls by the organizers significantly diminished the chances that workers would vote in favor of a union.Amazon was able to reach workers early on during the election wi...
In the fall of 2018, the wage for Amazon workers started at about $14 an hour, about a third of what rank-and-file workers had been making at the steel mill in its final years.Workers at the Bessemer warehouse contacted the RWDSU in late summer of last year about wanting to hold a union vote.
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