闲情逸致-123 IP属地:甘肃

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A:I’ve decided to sell the house? 我已决定把房子卖掉。You’ve finished reading the book? How’s that? 你读完这本书了? 你认为怎么样?A:I’ve just been up in a balloon for a day andhalf. 我乘汽球飞行了一天半。
Hold it的口语用法。1.用于打电话时,叫对方不要挂断电话,意为:等一下;Hold it and I’ll if he’s in. 请等一下,我看看他在不在。用于此义时不如用 Hold on. 更常用。Hold it!"That’ll do. Hold it. We’ll have one more minute……It looks smashing, "said the photographer. “行了,别动,我们再照一张……有时也可说成 H...
I’m sorry I have to go now. 抱歉,我得走了。I’m afraid I must be going now. 恐怕我现在得走了。I think it’s time for me to leave now. 我想我该走了。It’s about time I was going. 我该走了。Must you really be going?See you (then, later, soon).See you tomorrow.Nice seeing you.Take care.Take it easy.Take your time.
含有here的常用口语。Here goes!I’ve never been on a horse before--well, here goes! 我以前从未骑过马,好吧就骑骑看!Here’s to……Here’s to your health. 祝你健康!Here’s to our friendship. 这我们的友谊干杯。Here’s to John in his new job. 祝约翰找到了新的工作。Here’s to the bride and bridegroom. 为新郎新娘干杯。
含有heart的口语惯用语。1.Have a heart.Have a heart!I have a only one pair of hands.Have a heart, Mary, and help me with this lesson.Have a heart, Jim, and lend me two dollars.My heart bleeds for you.B:My heart bleeds for you! I told you not to argue with the boss. 你真叫我同情!我告诉你不要跟老板争吵,你不听。
与hat 有关的两句口语。1.I’ll eat my hat.用于赌咒,意为:要是……就砍我的头;绝不会……如:If the train arrives on time I’ll eat my hat. 火车绝不会准时到达。If he wins the match I’ll eat my hat. 他绝不会赢。2.My hat!— Isn’t that Mr Smith? 啊! 那不是史密斯先生吗?Oh,my hat! Whose wallet is this? 啊! 这是谁的钱包呀!
A:Mary, I want you to meet my friend Fred. Fred, thisis my wife, Mary. 玛丽,这是我的朋友弗雷德;A:Mr Black, may I introduce you to my friend JohnBrown? John, this is Mr Black, our Englishteacher. 布莱克先生,我把你介绍给我的朋友约翰·布朗好吗? 约翰,这是我们的英语老师布莱克先生。B:How do you do, Mr. Black? 布...
A:How are you? 你好吗?用作初次见面的问候语(主要见于美国英语中),意为:你好。A:I don’t think you two know each other. Tom, thisis Jim. Jim, Tom. 我想你们俩还不认识吧。B:Hi,Jim. How are you? 嗨,吉姆,你好!C:Hi,Tom. How are you? 嗨,汤姆,你好!注:按照英语传统,人们在初次见面时通常用 How do youdo?(你好)来问候对方...
Not so hot. 是什么意思。口语中说 not so hot 是什么意思? 它表示某一情况不很令人满意,意为:不太好。B:Not so hot. I think I have a cold. 不太好,我觉得 是感冒了。B:Not so hot. I didn’t understand some of the questions. 不太好,有几个问题我弄不懂。有时也说 Not too hot. (与 Not so good. Not so well. 等同义)。
口语中I hope so. 与I hope not. 的用法。1.表示肯定的希望(其中的 so代表上文所提到的事情),意为:希望如此。如:A:Will it be fine tomorrow? 明天会天睛吗?B:I hope so. 希望如此。A:Do we get a raise in pay? 我们会加薪吗?B:I hope not. 希望不要下雨。B:I hope not. 但愿不会来。注:习惯上不能将 I hope not. 改为 I don’t hope...
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