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甲型流感、军事问题问:最近在国内有两宗输入性的甲型H1N1流感确诊个案。有关部门也及时发布了疫情在中国的有关情况和信息,这些情况有关国家都是非常清楚的。我们希望通过国际合作,共同遏制甲型H1N1病毒的流行,早日克服这一疫情。And according to reports, the Australian Government has informed the Chinese Government in advance that...
中英文双语:十七招让你躲过“电梯安全隐患”登上电梯之前,仔细检查自己和自己的孩子的衣物有没有松开或垂挂的可能被卷入扶梯的部分,比如鞋带、 绳子、手套等。穿露脚趾的拖鞋或凉鞋应该避免乘自动扶梯,赤脚乘扶梯更是大忌。如果带着小孩子购物的话还是搭乘电梯井比较合适,上下扶梯不适宜平衡手推车,很容易翻倒。If you must carry a strol...
“潜力股”英语怎么说?Diamond in the rough.Diamond是钻石的意思,而rough, 意思是粗糙的,未经雕琢的。连起来,diamond in the rough, 字面意思是粗糙的钻石,实际上就是我们在中文里所说的“未经雕琢的璞玉”。She''s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. 她现在还不是一名播音员,但是她很有潜力。说起Diamond in the rough这个短语的起源,...
徒劳无功 beat a dead horse徒劳无功 beat a dead horse.今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:beat a dead horse。大家都知道,dead horse是死马的意思,动词beat是打的意思。Beat a dead horse连在一起是徒劳无功的意思。我显然是在beat a dead horse。下面让我们看看这名热心的选民为什么会觉得自己是在beat a dead horse。对于beat a dead horse...
青少年应该如何选择饮食?Ask any group of teenagers in the UK what they most like to eat, and foods like pizzas, curries, pasta, burgers and chips are bound to get a mention—and many young people would probably also list hanging out at the local fast-food restaurant as one of their favourite pastimes.But what teenager...
秋裤用英语怎么说秋裤用英语怎么说。喜爱Jordan这个牌子的我曾经在店里问售货员,有Jordan牌的秋裤吗,售货员感到很好笑,我却很是一本正经的说,如果这个牌子有秋裤,我肯定买。在网上有段时间把秋裤炒得很热,甚至出了秋裤体,那这个秋裤到底怎么说?谜底揭晓,口语里long johns就是秋衣秋裤的意思,动词用wear。北方的冬天是有暖气的,但我...
“大病医保”英语怎么说“大病医保”英语怎么说。China on Thursday announced a decision to expand the coverage of the country''s healthcare insurance system to include the treatment of critical illnesses, aiming to prevent patients from being reduced to poverty by necessary healthcare costs.Critical illness指“重...
“防红包协议”英文怎么说“防红包协议”英文怎么说。医患双方须在就诊前签署协议,医生保证不向患者索要红包,患者保证不向医生送红包。上述报道提到的协议就是hongbao stipulation(红包协议),也可以称作anti-bribery agreement,该协议签署后会保存在患者的medical records(医疗档案)中。另外也有人表示是因为医生收入太低,才会导致红...
My highlights of the London Olympic Games(图)My highlights of the London Olympic GamesGetty image. The routine lasted about 4min and sometimes the girls were underwater for quite a long time.China were the last team to perform and scored highly on technical points.
伦敦奥运感想伦敦奥运感想大家好!Every one of the swimmers looked in fantastic form.As I reluctantly switched of the TV, I got all fired up about 对什么产生很浓的兴趣 swimming. A new resolution is set. I will try to learn at least one swimming style this year. We have access to a pool, a mere 15 meters long and 1.3...
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