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Writing project #2-descriptive paragraph.Describe a place you are familiar with. Write a descriptive paragraph with vivid language, also use transitions to enhance writing.Office buildings-big and small-are all standing up straight and tall, as if they want to reach the orange sky above. The Bow river winds through...
Writing project #1-Describe an object.The object I selected is as round as a soccer ball.An axis goes through it and it can rotate around the axis if you push it. The object is supported by the axis.The axis is not vertical, instead it is slightly tilted.The axis is secured to a frame which has a black flat round bas...
The diary of an orange thermos.
pictures of 10 writings in 2023Pictures for 10 writings in 2023 Tiger Rabbit and Radish One summer afternoon White bear, white bearhuandeng.
The rabbit slices the red ripe radish into round pieces 兔子将红萝卜切成圆片。The rabbit lays the round red ripe radish pieces on a rack in a roaster oven 兔子将萝卜片放在烤箱的架子上。The rabbit brings the roasted radish to visit the racoon 兔子带烤好的萝卜片去看浣熊。The rabbit and the racoon nip the roasted round ...
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