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Reduced In Vivo Aortic Uptake of Radiolabeled...
ingentaconnect Atherosclerotic plaque pathohi...Abstract:Objective: A series of research works had proven that high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was an effective tool to identify the morphological appearance of atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque.Document Type: Research Article。Article copyright remains ...
插入参考文献有关论文撰写中利用尾注插入参考文献的方法(原创)写论文时,参考文献的引用是一件很麻烦的事,每个杂志要求的文献格式是不一样的,包括在文章中插入的方法和在文章后面排列的格式和顺序等都不同。有一个很出名的软件Reference manager是专门用来管理参考文献的,它功能很强大,能对文献进行二次检索、管理,与Word结合还可完成论...
Comparative effects of inhaled diesel exhaust...The authors investigated whether subchronic inhalation of concentrated ambient PM(2.5) (CAPs), whole diesel exhaust (WDE), or diesel exhaust gases (DEGs) led to exacerbation of atherosclerosis, pulmonary and systemic inflammation, and vascular dysfunction;and whether DEG...
细胞生长曲线测定细胞生长曲线。编辑本段方法计数法  1.取生长良好接近汇合的细胞,用胰酶消化,用新培养基制成细胞悬液后计数(见四、细胞传代培养的实验步骤)。如是非粘壁细胞,则离心弃旧培养基后,换上一定量的新鲜培养基然后制成细胞悬液计数。2.根据细胞计数结果按每个小方瓶5*104/mL作传代培养接种细胞,共接种21瓶细胞。4.根据细...
细胞油红o染色1.染色液的配制。材料:油红染料 棕色可密封瓶 异丙醇 研钵 漏斗 定性滤纸。称取预先研磨粉碎的0.5g油红干粉,溶于少量异丙醇中,然后加异丙醇至100ml,棕色瓶密封(或锡箔纸包裹避光)4℃保存,为储存液,可长期保存。5.4 稀释油红储存液,油红:去离子水=3:2,滤纸过滤,室温放置10min(除去一些杂质,染色结果更清晰)。脂肪...
Animal ModelsFor imaging studies, a total of 36 apoE-/- mice were used: 8 for untargeted micelles, 8 for MDA2 micelles, 8 for E06 micelles, 3 for IgG micelles, 3 for IK17 micelles, 3 for competitive inhibition studies, and 3 for confocal microscopy studies.Liver, spleen, and kidney uptake peaked at 48 hours for the MD...
Monitoring oxidative stress in vascular endothelial cells in response to fluid shear stress: From biochemical analyses to micro- and Nanotechnologies.来源出版物: NITRIC OXIDE, PT G: OXIDATIVE AND NITROSATIVE STRESS IN REDOX REGULATION OF CELL SIGNALING 丛书: METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY 卷: 441 页: 111-150 出版年:...
"氧化型低密度脂蛋白。"氧化型低密度脂蛋白-凝集素样氧化型低密度脂蛋白受体1-活性氧" 信号通路参与泡沫细胞的形成 "Ox-LDL-LOX-1-ROS" Signaling Pathway Involvement in Foam Cell Formation.
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