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Mapping the Current Web Transition - ReadWrit...Advertising: Advertisers will adopt a barbell approach: CPM for branding, and CPA for direct-revenue generation (as soon as publishers figure out how to make money selling CPA).Google will play in CPA and CPM but won''t dominate as it does in CPC. Publishers will...
Seven Predictions for 2009 - eMarketerSeven Predictions for 2009JANUARY 5, 2009.Advertisers'' pull-back in overall marketing spending, coupled with a serious re-examination of traditional media, will set in motion a series of permanent changes that will affect how media is planned and measured, as well as the ...
在这里要感谢一些朋友为我提供了相关的信息,特别是 Tangos Chan(负责China Web 2.0 Review博客的运营)和Benjamin Joffe(亚洲互联网咨询公司Plus Eight Star Ltd的CEO和Mobile Monday Beijing的创始人)。下面还会谈到由Tangos Chan提出,Benjamin作进一步评论的有关中国互联网行业的特征。Tangos也同意说中国的移动市场较之互联网市场有着...
U.S. telecommunications giant AT&T has claimed that, without investment, the Internet's current network architecture will reach the limits of its capacity by 2010.Net neutrality refers to an ongoing campaign calling for governments to legislate to prevent Internet service providers from charging content provid...
Perl is the duct tape of the internet.We're proud to announce we've finished loading the Perl.org mailing list history into MarkMail.Markmail also has mailing list history for php, ruby, mysql, postgresql, and all of the Apache projects. (Coverage of Python and Linux is very limited.) And as I wrote previously...
2008雪灾 百度遭遇"我知道你不知道"反讽作者:罗燕 | 原始出处:环球企业家 | 2008-3-12 15:00:04 | 已阅 298 次。算得上一个顺理成章的想法:谷歌的工程师拥有20%时间开发自己想做的产品,而李双峰在谷歌负责着一款名为"我的地图"的产品。1月29日一早,当李双峰在谷歌中国工程师的邮件讨论组中提出这个想法时,同在地图小...
互联网最大应用搜索、综合门户、电子邮件依然位列前三07年04月18日 15:41 来源:DCCI 互联网数据中心 编辑:Tony.由中国互联网协会、DCCI互联网数据中心联合发布的《Netguide 2007中国互联网调查报告》数据显示,2006年,搜索引擎、综合门户、电子邮件依然是中国互联网用户使用最多的三种互联网服务。中国互联网50个细分领域中10个细分领...
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