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- Yeah, yeah.- Watch this guy hit on me. - Yeah.Let me make us one drink and then we''ll go.- Sara. - Yeah?- Just tell me and I''ll do anything. - Kiss me.- Professor Roberts, you''re hurting me. - Give me that!- Oh, my God. - Yeah, I know.- Just let me help you. - Are you mad at me?Sara, we...
I don''t know, but I''ve been told I don''t know, but I''ve been told End of the world be mighty cold End of the world be mighty cold Prepare for the Ice age!Manny, I need him.Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. He got me.Manny, Manny, Manny, you OK?OK, follow me. We'&...
英文剧本:交换生阿曼达 Amanda Knox Murder on Trial in Italy 2011 Script英文剧本:交换生阿曼达 Amanda Knox Murder on Trial in Italy 2011 Script.Amanda knox?Amanda, Amanda...Amanda for Meredith''s murder.Meredith''s friend, Meredith''s.why do you think Amanda knox.between Meredith and Amanda?Look...
英文剧本:功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 Long ago, in ancient China.- Inner peace. - Inner peace!I''ll master inner peace as soon as I get back.Don''t ask me where the egg comes from.Destroy this weapon, and bring Lord Shen to justice.I mean, how can Kung-Fu stop something.Inner peace, inner peace, inner pe...
英文剧本:源代码 Source Code 2011英文剧本:源代码 Source Code 2011 I took your advice, it was good advice.Thank you.- Talk to me Shawn!-Let me get captain Goodwin for you-You know me well enough, that you would trust me, ifI am acting a little bit strange or even dangerous, would you do that?somewhere at the Sou...
Oh, him.- I suppose you invited him, mother. - I don''t know who you''re talking about.- Kitty Fane?Fane''s wife, Kitty. - Mrs.Fane.- Mr.Fane.- Hello, charlie. - Hello, George.- Hello, Townsend. - Pardon.I don''t think walter intended for one minute to divorce me.My dear child, don'...
英文剧本: 超人归来 Superman Returns英文剧本: 超人归来 Superman Returns.- Thank you for giving me my job back. - Don''t thank me.- Lois!Lois, three things sell papers: Tragedy, and Superman.Superman''s back, and he thinks I''m the only one equipped to...Lois, Superman.I''ll help with Sup...
英文剧本: 触不到的恋人 The Lake House Script英文剧本: 触不到的恋人 The Lake House Script英文剧本: 触不到的恋人 The Lake House.-Hi, excuse me. -Yeah, just a minute, okay?-Yeah.-Yeah. lt''s really good.-Yeah. -Yeah.Don''t get me wrong. lt''s beautiful in a kind of--Alex was-- Alex was just telli...
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