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大写绝对是写论文的人跟编辑都面临的问题,而许多风格指南都会有专门谈论大写的段落,New Hart’s Rules1、Scientific Style and Format2 和 AMA 风格指南3 都有一个独立的章节规范大写用法,足以说明这个问题有多常见。这个问题很多时候只要依照期刊使用的风格做就可以解决,例如,有些期刊针对标题使用俗称的“头条风格”(headline style 或...
Optics Express | 期刊接受率 &期刊拒稿率Optics Express | Acceptance Rate.The acceptance rate for an academic journal is dependent upon the relative demand for publishing in a particular journal, the peer review processes in place, the mix of invited and unsolicited submissions, and time to publication, among others.
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