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英文歌曲教学:《love me tender》温柔地爱我,唱得慢,练听力好。
小李英语小李英语Somethings we couldn''''''''t understand when we were young, when we finally understood, we are not young any more.有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。在教育中,一切都应以教育者的人格为基础,因为只有人格才能影响人格,只有人格才能形成性格。
当我们理解别人的想法时,他也理解我们的想法,那么我们就能坐下来解决彼此的分歧。一旦理解对方,就会极少去做过度猜想。理解是第一步,唯有接受才会皆大欢喜。虽然我们成年人非常理解他人的想法,但并非总是这样设身处地去这样想。(听风译)Let me take your temperature.Let me check your blood pressure.Is it serious?
One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. ---好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。
—泰戈尔诗集之《采果集》15The more you learn, the more you earn. Self improvements and continual learning will always be the best ROI. It helps you to survive and to perform well in any difficult environment. 你学得越多,你就会赚到更多。
#英语 #正能量。
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