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No one anticipates the Victoria''s Secret PowerPoint catalog.从来没有人会在会议后找我要一份胸罩的拷贝--但总是有人要拷PPT,绝!)Nine women have won the Nobel Peace Prize 只有一个诺贝尔和平奖得主使用PPT,但有9个穿胸罩。社会可以接受一个男人使用PPT--但不接受他们使用胸罩。PPT就象胸罩。。。绝大多数男人知道如...
个性化学习的谎言---ying about Personalized LearningLying about Personalized Learninghttp://opencontent.org/blog/archives/655Published by david on November 11, 2008 in open content.Tags: efficiency, learning, personalization.This is, in theory, why the personalized learning environment is/was thought to be the silver b...
For example, a well-planned course balances three levels of interaction: faculty-to-student, student-to-student, and student-to-resources.Core Learning Principle #8: All Learners Do Not Need to Learn All Course Content;What this principle means is that what a faculty member does makes a difference in what students do,...
The announcement of the online version of Adobe Photoshop got me thinking about what exactly do Web 2.0 applications and services need to do to be competitive to desktop applications.The question is, which of these conditions must a Web 2.0 service or an application meet to offer significantly more value than its desk...
The Machine is Us/ing Us by Michael Wesch that I posted last week made me think quite a lot about my personal relationship with Web 2.0 (or the Read/Write Web as some prefer to call it).I try to write at least one post per week about what I currently do, what I am thinking about, what questions I am trying to answer.....
More than half of business technology pros surveyed by InformationWeek are either skeptical about tools such as blogs, wikis, and online social networks, or they‘re willing but wary of adopting them. What gives?Within a few years, rich, collaborative software platforms that include a slate of technologies like wikis,...
Whereas Mobile Web 2.0 is all about the advanced capabilities associated with a specific subset of systems within a mobile device and particularly centered around some kind of web enabled interface Mobile 2.0 is more about the entirety of the device and its myriad and highly differentiated possibilities for interactio...
Our mission in the Social Computing Group is to research and develop software that contributes to compelling and effective social interactions, with a focus on user-centered design processes and rapid prototyping.The Personal Map models the users social network (who they care about and their informal groups) based on ...
At Dickinson College we have used blogs to let students create journals of their volunteer, internship, or abroad activities.Another service, CALPER at Penn State, will host blogs for students and professors for free if the blogs involve foreign languages.Blogs provide pages that function as wikis, and both blogs and ...
First, you need to set up an aggregator to collect your RSS feeds.If you want up-to-the minute results, add the "Bloglines notifier" to the bottom of your screen, which will let you know when new content has been posted to any of the feeds to which you‘re subscribed. Either way, remember to check back often...
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