

 吾骥飞 2010-03-05



保持过程                                 retentional process

编码系统                                 coding

辨别学习                                 discrimination learning



参观法                                     visiting method

操作技能                                 operant skill

操作条件反射说                       operant conditioning theory

操作性条件作用                       operant conditioning

操作性行为                              operant behavior

操作学习                                  operant learning

长时记忆                                  long-term memory

场独立性                                  field independence

场依存性                                  field dependence

陈述性知识                              declarative knowledge

成就动机                                  achievement motivation

成熟—学习原理                       maturation-learning principle

程序教学                                  programmed instruction

垂直迁移                                  vertical transfer

刺激—反应学习                       Stimulus-response learning



代理强化                                  vacarious reinforcement

导入新课的艺术                        art of learning new lesson

道德动机                                  moral motivation

道德评价                                  moral evaluation

道德情感                                  moral feeling

道德认知                                  moral cognition

道德信念                                  moral belief

道德行为                                  moral behavior

道德意志                                  moral will

动机作用过程                           motivational process

动作性表象                              inactive representation

动作再现过程                           motor reproduction process

顿悟                                         insight

顿悟说                                      insight theory



二因素说                                  two-factor theory



发散性思维                               divergent thinking

发现法                                      discovery method

发现学习                                  discovery learning

反馈                                         feedback

反射学习                                   reflex learning

非智力因素                               non-intelligence factor

符号性表象                               symbolic representation

符号学习                                  sign learning

负迁移                                      negative transfer

附属内驱力                               affiliated drive



概念形成                    concept formation

感觉道                      sensory channel

格式塔心理学                Gestalt psychology

工作记忆                    working memory

巩固性原则                  principle of consolidation

共同要素说                  theory of identical elements

关系理论                    theory of relation

观察学习                    observational learning

规定性理论                  prescriptive theory

规则学习                    principle learning

过度学习                    over learning



机能智力                    functional intelligence

集中性思维                  convergent thinking

技能                        skill

检索                        retrial

讲授法                      oral teaching method

交互决定论                  reciprocal

焦虑                        anxiety

教学                        instruction


教学策略                    instructional strategy

教学方法                    method of instruction

教学管理                    instructional management

教学过程                    teaching process

教学环境                    instructional circumstance

教学环境                    teaching enviroment

教学媒体                    instructional media

教学目标                    instructional objectives

教学评价                    instructional evaluation

教学设计                    instructional design

教学设施                    instructional equipment

教学手段                    teaching media

教学艺术                    art of teaching

教学艺术                    teaching wit

教学语言艺术                art of instructional language

教学原则                    principle of instruction

教学资源                    instructional source

教育                        education

接受学习                    reception learning

结束课的艺术                art of finishing class

经验类化说                  theory of experience generalization

精神分析(心理分析)        psychoanalysis

具体运算阶段                stage of concrete operation



考查                        test

考试                        examination


                                                 principle of combination of scientific instruction and instructional ideology

可逆性                      reversibility

课堂板书的艺术              art of writing on the blackboard



理论联系实际原则            principle of combination of theory and practice

连锁学习                    chaining

联结说                      connection theory

联结主义                    connectionism

练习法                      exercise method

联系律                      law of exercise

螺旋式课程                  spiral curriculum



描述性理论                  descriptive theory

命题学习                    prepositional learing

模仿学习                    initiative learning



能力                        ability



品德                        morality



前运算阶段                  preoperation period

潜在智力                    potential intelligence

强化                        reinforcement

群因素说                    group-factor theory



人本主义心理学              humanistic psychology

认知策略                    cognitive strategy

认知-发现说                 cognitive discovery theory

认知风格                    cognitive style

认知结构                    cognitive structure

认知心理学                  cognitive psychology



社会学习理论                social learning theory

实习法                      practical method

实验法                      experiment method

示范性为                    modeled behavior

试误                        trial and error

试误说                      trial and error theory

适合性                      fitness

适时记忆                    short-term memory

水平迁移                    lateral transfer

反向迁移                    backward transfer

顺向迁移                    forward transfer

斯金纳箱                    Skinner box

斯坦福-比内智力表           Stanford-Binet intelligence scale

似动现象                    apparent movement phenomenon



态度                        attitude

讨论法                      discussion method

特殊因素                    s-factor


                                                 principle of combination of general requirement and individual teaching



完形说                      configuration theory

韦克斯勒儿童智力表          Wechsler intelligence scale for children

问题解决                    problem solving

问题情境                    problem situation



先行组织者                  advance organizer

象征性示范                  symbolic modeling

效果定律                    law of effect

心向                        mental set

新行为主义                  new-behaviorism

信号学习                    signal learning

形式训练说                  theory of formal discipline

形式运算阶段                stage of formal operation

学习                        learning

学习策略                    learning strategy

学习动机                    learning motivation

学习风格                    learning style

学习过程                    learning process

学习律                      learning law

学习目标                    learning goal

学习迁移                    learning transfer

学习兴趣                    learnig interest

循序渐进原则                principle of systematization



言语联想(言语连锁)        verbal association

言语信息                    verbal information

研究法                      study method

演示说                      demonstration method

一般因素                    g-factor

意义学习                    meaningful learning

答应性行为                  respondent behavior

映像性表象                  iconic representation

元认知                      metacognition

运动技能                    motor skill



掌握学习                    mastery learning

正迁移                      positive transfer

直观性原则                  principle of intuition

智力                        intelligence

智力层次结构                hierarchy structure of intelligence

智力层次结构模型            hierarchy structure model of intelligence

智力技能                    intellectual skill

智力加工                    information processing

智力量表                    intelligence scale

智力三维结构模型            three dimensional structure

智力模型                    model of intelligence

智力因素                    intelligence factor

智商                        intelligence quotient(IQ)

注意过程                    attentional process

准备律                      law of  readiness

自我暗示                    autosuggestion

自我强化                    self-reinforcement

自我实现                    self-actualization

自我提高内驱力              ego-enhancement drive

组织教学的艺术              art of organizing teaching

最近发展区                  zone of proximal development

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