

 竹林啸风 2010-08-17


七夕是牛郎织女相会的日子,“迢迢牵牛星,皎皎河汉女。 纤纤擢素手,札札弄机杼。 终日不成章,泣涕零如雨。 河汉清且浅,相去复几许? 盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语。 ”




13 Years Will Smith Jada Pinkett Smith — December 31, 1997

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Will: "Families are like a business. The key is one person having a vision of what it needs to be and being able to pull everyone together. That's Jada for sure."



17 Years Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley — November 13 1993

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Michelle Pfeiffer: "Compatibility is important, and respect. Because that's sexy to me. We're both homebodies. I'm not sure about the opposites thing. It may attract initially, but it's what eventually breaks people apart."



18 Years Warren Beatty and Annette Bening — March 10, 1992

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Annette Bening: You’ve got to make peace with it. By and large it’s okay. You’re an object of people’s projections, certainly with my husband being so famous for so many years. That’s out of your control.



19 Years Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw — October 12 1991

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Steven Spielberg: "I’ve stayed in my marriage this long because I never disagree with my wife. Whatever she says is the right choice."



19 Years John Travolta and Kelly Preston — September 12, 1991

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Kelly Preston: "You have to keep creating a marriage. We talk about everything. We grow and change together, because nothing ever stays the same; you've got to continue evolving."



35 Years Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi — June 12, 1975

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — "I suppose it's about keeping love alive, learning how to fall in love over and over again, not taking each other for granted, forgiveness, trust. Whatever it is, it works for us."



56 Years Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens — May 29, 1954

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Kirk: "Her vicious sense of humor. The surprise birthday party she threw for me that year in Paris when she invited every girl I'd gone out with there."



22 Years Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan — July 16, 1988

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Michael: "I feel really lucky and smart. I look at Tracy sometimes and I have two feelings. One is that she becomes more beautiful every second; and more important, I look at her and say to myself, Damn, you're smart. Boy, did you make the right choice."



22 Years Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson — April 30 ,1988

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Rita Wilson: "We always make each other laugh, have honest communication, and I never take him for granted."



27 Years Denzel Washington and Pauletta Washington — June 25 1983

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Denzel Washington: I think it hopefully ends where it starts, which is friendship. And obviously, respect. Understanding our—for lack of a better word—roles. And just getting on with it. Commitment.



28 Years Danny DeVito and Reha Perlman — January 28, 1982

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — "Love. Love. I mean, really. You know what? Who knows. The secret to success is to try to never figure that out!"

L、 22年婚姻:名导与女强人


22 Years Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick — September 4, 1988

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Kyra Sedgwick: He continues to be unfailingly supportive in every way. There has never been a moment of "You get to go out there and work, and I'm here at home." Never a moment. We're married 20 years, and I still find new things about him.



35 Years Ron Howard and Cheryl Howard — June 7, 1975

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Ron Howard: "See, getting married, if you’re doing it right, is transforming, because the you that will result from that is not the same you as before you entered into that new state."



52 Years Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman — January 29, 1958

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Paul Newman: "I have steak at home; why go out for hamburger?"

O、 14年婚姻:蒂姆·麦格罗与菲丝·希尔


14 Years Faith Hill and Tim McGraw — October 6 1996

Quotes about the Love and Marriage — Faith Hill: "You can't sit back. My husband and I have made the choice that our marriage is the most important thing to us. We respect what we have and understand how we need to feed it."

@奥巴马 08/16/2010 16:57:01

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