

 路影 2010-11-30

1.       Efficiency: Richly contain vegetal essence, tea polyphenol, hamamelis essence and HA, instantly penetrate into deep skin, soften horniness, supply moisture and nutrition, balance skin PH value, shrink pores, constantly moisturize skin, activate reticulum cells, remove fine and dry lines, firm droopy skin and make refreshing, moist, firm and bright。功效:富含丰富的植物精华成份、茶多酚、金缕梅精华和透明质酸,迅速渗透肌肤内层,软化角质,补充肌肤水份和养份、平衡皮肤酸碱度、收缩毛孔,同时提供长效保湿,活化皮肤网状组织细胞,减少细纹、干纹的产生,紧实松驰肌肤,用后令肌肤清爽滋润,回复弹性光泽。

2.       Properties: Stimulates skin circulation and promotes pH balancing, tightening the outer epidermis. Use for problems with oily skin. 特性:加促面部血液循环、平衡皮肤的酸碱度,有紧肤作用,适用于油性皮肤的问题。

3.       1.Among women born between 1950 and 1978, at least 91 percent had had premarital sex by age 30, while among those born in the 1940s, 88 percent had done so by age 44. 1950年至1978年间出生的女性中,至少91%的人在30岁前有过婚前性行为;在上世纪40年代出生的女性中,88%的人在44岁前有过婚前性行为。

4.       To err is human, The most important thing is to learn to forgive or love . God can forgive young man . 性随爱来,冲动是正常的,要不然他(她)就不是一个正常的男人与女人。可我不赞同婚前性行为。

5.       More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. 一项最新调查表明,90%的美国人,无论男女,都有过婚前性行为。

6.       The typical adult veggie had a childhood IQ of around 105 - around five points higher than those who continued to eat meat as they grew up. 成年素食者在儿童时期的智商大约为105,比非素食者儿童时期的智商高五分左右。

7.       A vegetarian whose diet consists of plant products only. 严格的素食主义者只食用植物产品的素食者

8.       All pregnant women face tremendous physical changes ranging from weight gain,bloatedness,generalised swelling to psychological changes caused by hormonal changes.Most women enjoy being pregnant but the face is many women who are happy about being pregnant and who want their babies dislike or even hate the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms所有怀孕的女人都面临着生理过程中的一个变化,范围从身体体重的不断增加,身体的臃肿,荷尔蒙的失调等身体反应,造成很多马上就要做母亲的心理变化,比如很多女人都享受怀孕,喜欢孩子的降临,但是怀孕时孩子带来的痛苦以及身体发生的变化,成了很多女人多余的烦恼。

9.       The government has made great efforts to spread scientific knowledge of contraceptive practices, and to provide couples of child-bearing age who do not want child with safeefficacious, simple and inexpensive contraceptives and the choice of a birth-control operation. 政府大力普及避孕节育的科学知识,向需要避孕节育的育龄夫妇提供安全、有效、方便、经济的避孕药具和节育技术。

10.   Induced abortion rate due to the failure on the contraception measures dropped from 9.06‰ to 8.11‰, in which the rate dropped to 2.41‰ due to the failure on the persistent effect contraception measure and the rate rose to 4.55 due to the failure on the short effect contraception measure. 避孕失败的人工流产率从9.06‰下降到8.11,其中,长效措施避孕失败的人工流产率下降了2.41,短效措施避孕失败的人工流产率上升了4.55,前后比较均有统计学意义(P<0.01)

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