

 超纯音乐 2011-01-25




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At one company I once worked for, we had a contest for "The most creative use of office supplies". 在我曾经工作过的公司,我们有了一场竞赛,为“最创造性的使用办公用品”。This toy would clearly be a contender. 这个玩具很明显地是一个有力的竞争者。It is based on a wonderful design by Bill Beaty, but this version uses only things found around the typical office coffee room.它是基于一个美妙的设计由比尔Beaty,但这个版本使用的事情只是分布在典型的办公室咖啡的房间。

Using the safe high voltage power we get by placing a sheet of aluminum foil on the face of a television or computer CRT screen, it spins a styrofoam cup around at a respectable speed.使用安全的高压受电将我们得到一张铝箔表面上电视或计算机屏幕上,一只泡沫聚苯乙烯杯子旋转,周围是一位受人尊敬的速度。

To build the toy, you need:建立玩具,你需要:

  • Two empty soda cans.两个空汽水罐。
  • A styrofoam cup (a paper cup will also work).一个塑料杯(纸杯的工作也会)。
  • A ball-point pen (the simple non-clicking type).圆珠笔(简单的non-clicking类型)。
  • A couple square feet of aluminum foil.一对夫妇平方英尺的铝箔。
  • Two paper clips两个回形针
  • A hot glue gun (or regular glue if you don't mind waiting).一、热熔胶枪(或普通胶如果您不介意等)。
  • Cellophane tape.透明胶。
  • Two wires (alligator test leads work great).两条电线线缆测试产品,鳄鱼很有用)。



We start by spreading glue over the ouside of the styrofoam cup. 我们开始通过传播胶在外面的塑料杯。Put just a thin layer on, so it dries quickly. 把只是一个薄层,所以它乾燥迅速。Before it dries, cover the cup with aluminum foil. 在它乾燥,覆盖了杯用铝纸包着。Press the foil flat against the cup, so any wrinkles are pressed down.按衬托平在杯子,所以任何按下的褶皱。

With a sharp knife, neatly cut a half inch strip out of the foil on both sides, so you have two patches of foil, one on each side of the cup, that do not touch one another.地用一把锋利的刀切半英寸带两侧的烘托,所以你必须铝箔2个斑块,每边各一个了杯,——不要乱动,你们也要怎样相爱。

The cup is going to be spinning upside down on the point of a ball-point pen. 这个杯子是要旋转的角度朝圆珠笔。To keep the cup centered on the pen-point, and to provide a low friction bearing, we need to glue something hard to the center of the bottom of the cup, something that has a little dimple in it to sit on the pen-point.把杯集中在pen-point,且为客户提供低摩擦轴承,我们需要胶的中心,有种坚硬的杯底中,在这一点上有一个小的酒窝它坐在pen-point。

I chose to sacrifice the end of another ball-point pen.我选择结束以牺牲另一个圆珠笔。



The photo shows the end of the pen, cut off with a sharp knife. 这张照片显示了这支笔,年底砍下一把锋利的小刀。The side of the cut end that is facing down has a little dimple that is perfect as a place to accept the point of the other ball-point pen.切的一边却最终发现有一个小的面朝下痕,很作为一个地方接受点的其他圆珠笔。

The end of the pen is glued in the exact center of the bottom of the cup, as shown below. 最后笔的是粘在正中杯子的底部,如下表所列。Note the little dimple.注意小涟漪。



Next we make the stand for the motor. 接下来我们使代表电机。Start with a paper plate, and glue the bottom of a ball point pen to the exact center of the plate, so the point stands straight up.开始用一个纸盘子里,而且胶球的底部点笔正中板,所以点站的尖叫声。

Glue the two soda cans upside-down onto the plate, leaving enough room between them for the strofoam cup to rotate easily without touching either can. 胶水两个汽水罐倒转倒在盘子里,留下足够的空间,他们两人strofoam杯的旋转容易,既能不可摸。There should ba about a half of an inch gap between the cup and either can.应该八半英寸差距,既能杯。

Straighten two of the bends of a paper clip (leaving one end bent as in the photo below) and tape them to the cans as shown. 将弯曲的两个的纸夹弯(离开一端在照片下面)和磁带他们罐子如图所示。Bend the wires into an S shape, leaving enough room to place the cup on top of the pen.弯曲导线插入的S形,留下足够的空间把杯子放在上面的钢笔。



Now put the cup upside-down onto the pen-point. 现在把杯子倒转到pen-point。Make sure the dimple fits onto the pen-point. 确保酒窝蜷伏在这pen-point。The wires should be about a half inch away from the cup, with the point being closest to the cup. 这些电线应该是半英寸离开杯,要点是最接近杯。Nothing should be touching the cup except the point of the pen.没有什么能碰杯子除了点笔的。





Now connect a wire from the can on the right to a large sheet of aluminum foil pressed against the screen of a TV (or a computer with a CRT screen).现在连一根电线从的有权获得一张硕大的铝箔紧贴着屏幕的一个电视(或一个计算机是一个显示器屏幕)上。

Connect another wire to the left can, and connect the free end to a good ground connection, such as a cold water pipe, or the metal frame of a computer. 另一个线连接到左边可以、连接自由来结束良好接地,如冷水管、或金属框架了电脑。In a pinch, you can just hold onto the free end, since your body is a good enough ground for this little motor.必要时,你可以只抓住自由结束,因为你的身体很好地为这台小电机。

When you turn on the television, the foil will pick up a high voltage, and the little motor will start spinning. 当你打开电视、铝箔接一个高电压,小电机将开始旋转。As it slows down, turn the television off, and the motor will get another kick, and spin faster. 因为它减速时,关掉电视,而马达将再踢,和旋转更快。You can keep this up as long as you feel like turning the TV on and off.你可以一直保持下去只要你想把电视和关电视。


How does it do that?它如何做呢?

The can on the right is charged with high voltage from the face of the TV. 会是在右边指控高压离了电视。This means that the electrons are pushed onto the can with a lot of electrical "pressure". The electrons all have the same negative charge, and so they repel one another.这意味着电子被推到会有很多的电气“压力”。电子都具有相同的负电荷,所以他们击退,你们也要怎样相爱。

At the point of the wire the electrone are most crowded, and so there is the highest pressure. 在点的电线,electrone最拥挤,而且如此在那里是最高的压力。It is so high that the electrons can get pushed right off the wire, landing on the air molecules near the wire. 它是如此之高,电子可以被推离了电线,降落在附近的空气分子电线。These air molecules are now also negative, so they are repelled by the extra electrons in the wire. 这些空气分子现在还负面,所以他们厌恶了额外的电子电线上。They move away from the wire, and hit the aluminum foil, where the electrons leave the air molecules and collect on the foil.他们远离线,而且打铝箔,那里的电子离开分子空气收集金属箔上。

The electrons on the foil are repelled by the can on the right, which still has an excess of electrons. 电子是在衬托的厌恶了权利,仍有过多的电子。The electrons in the can on the left are repelled by the electrons in the foil, so they move away from it, leaving behind the positively charged nucleus, which attracts the electrons in the foil.电子在可以在左边是厌恶了导电的电子,因此移动离去,留下带正电的细胞核吸引电子在挫败。

With the right can repelling, and the left can attracting, the foil is pulled to the left, and the cup rotates.用正确的能击退,剩下的可以吸引、花剑是推向左边、那杯集合。

Half a revolution later, the charged foil is next to the wire that is attached to the ground. 半革命后,这些带电的烘托下导线附在地。The electrons from the foil charge the air around the wire, and the electrons can move from the foil through the air and the wire, to the ground. 电子收费从衬托电线,周围的空气能从与电子从空中的烘托电线,在地上。This leaves the foil uncharged, so it is not repelled by the can on the right as it moves by.这使得这些衬托不带电的,所以它不厌恶了可以在正确的延伸。

At this point we are back to where we started, and the process starts over again.在这里,我们回到我们所开始的地方,和过程开始了一遍又一遍。

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