

 昵称535749 2011-09-19


1. Learn to Save the World $25 at a Time

1.       学着每次为世界存储25美元

I thought I’d start with one that might not seem obvious. Kiva is a nonprofit that facilitates micro-lending to entrepreneurs across the world. By lending as little as US $25, you can help a shop owner in Ghana increase her inventory or a small farmer in Costa Rica build a greenhouse. (Examples of projects I have helped fund through my Kiva account.) Naturally, you can’t help but learn a lot along the way. US $25 gets you a downloadable Kiva gift card to fund a friend or family member’s account.



2. Monkey Around at a Zoo or Museum

  2.  去动物园或博物馆打发时间

I’m lucky to live not too far from the North Carolina Zoo and we also have fantastic museums in our area. Just do a quick Google search and you will almost certainly come up with great museum or zoo annual membership options in the vicinity of someone on your list.


3. Take Note

  3.        做笔记

Readers here know I am an advocate of taking and reviewing notes, and I’m slowly becoming addicted to Evernote, the note-taking application that syncs your notes across the Web, your desktop, your iPad, and your mobile phone. For US $5 a month, or $45 a year, you can snag a premium subscription that offers some great extra features for the avid learners in your life. (Note the gift option on the right side of the page.)

这儿的读者都知道我提倡做笔记和温习笔记。我也慢慢迷上了EvernoteEvernote是一个做笔记的应用程序,它可以通过万维网,你的桌面、ipad、手机实现笔记同步。每月5美元或者每年45美元可以得到一个Evernote prmium的优惠。Evernote prmium可为你生活中狂热的学习者提供其它更强的笔记功能。

4. Experiment

 4.       实验

The array of gadgets, gizmos, and kits that the amateur scientist now has access to is really quite astounding. Check out the wide selection at Edmunds Scientific.

一些由非专业人员发明的小装置、小工具、小玩意很令人瞠目结舌。你可以从Edmunds Scientific网站上查找到更多的此类东西。

5. Amazing Lectures to Go


Anybody who says the lecture is dead hasn’t experienced the great content available from the Teaching Company or LearnOutLoud. I’d call it brain candy, but it is far too nutritious for that metaphor. Lately, I’ve been particularly enjoying Robert Greenberg’s How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, but there are selections to cover all interests available from both sites. Pick a topic, and grab a gift certificate.

一个人之所以认为讲座枯燥乏味是因为他从来没有在Teaching CompanyLearnOutLoud这两个网站上听讲座的体验。我将讲座比作头脑糖果,但这个比喻稍显夸张。最近,我尤其对罗伯特·格林伯格的讲座“如何倾听和理解音乐”感兴趣。这两个网站上的讲座涵盖方方面面的主题。选择一个主题然后就可得到一个礼物卡(类似于代金券)

6. Get Schooled In Rock

   6.     接受摇滚乐教育

With its latest release, Rock Band 3 in “Pro” mode has become a serious learning tool. If being the next Jimi Hendrix is your thing, you can now opt for an actual Fender Squire Stratocaster, touted as “a fully functional, full-sized, six-string electric guitar that also functions as a game controller.”  Or opt for the wireless drum or keyboard options and start building actual musical skills from basic up to expert level.

随着最新的“pro”版的发行,Rock Band 3(一种音乐视频游戏)已发展成为一个很好的学习工具。如果你想成为下一个Jimi Hendrix(一位著名的美国吉他演奏家,歌手,和作曲人,被公认为是流行音乐史中最重要的电吉他演奏者),现在可以选择一把全功能、全规格的芬达牌六弦电吉他或者选择无线鼓或者选择键盘来学习音乐基本技能及其专业技能。

7. Train the Brain

  7. 训练你的大脑

Lifelong learners are always looking for ways to beef up the ‘ol gray matter. Give the learner in your life a boost with Lumosity Brain Games.

终身学习者总是在找寻增强大脑反应灵活度的方法,Lumosity Brain Games网站上提供了许多训练大脑的游戏。找一些推荐给你生活中的终身学习者。

8. Learn a Language

  8. 学习一种语言

Ah, a mainstay of New Year’s resolutions: “This year I am going to learn to speak ___________.” Help the learner in your life keep that resolution with some great language learning options like those from Transparent.com and Visual Spanish (FREE Spanish Lessons!).

大多数人的新年计划为:“在新的一年里,我将要学习……(某一种语言)”Transparent网站和Visual Spanish网站(免费的西班牙语课程)提供很棒的语言学习项目来帮助学习者完成计划。

9. Give to Learn

  9 捐款

There are so many ways in which nonprofits support our learning and the learning of others, but they can’t do their work without adequate funding.  You can hardly go wrong in choosing an organization to contribute to, but if you are looking for ideas, one of my favorites is Heifer International. Also, note that Wikipedia – a key resource for pretty much every lifelong learner these days – is currently in the midst of a big fundraising drive.

非营利机构支持我们或其他人学习的方式有很多。但是没有充足的资金,这些机构就不能正常运作。如果你咨询我该向哪个机构捐款,我推荐Heifer International。值得注意的是现在Wikipedia(当下许多终身学习者的重要资源地)也需要筹集资金。

10. Read …wait for it… a book

  10.  读书

Yes, that’s right. The good ‘ol book, in paper form, is still one of the greatest gifts there is. If you aren’t sure what a good book might be, check out the New York Times list of 100 Notable Books of 2010 or its Modern Library selection of Top 100 Novels. Whatever you choose, my recommendation for buying is to find a local independent bookstore, if one still exists in your area. We’re lucky here in my area to have the great Flyleaf Books.

是的,一本纸质的好书仍是其中一个非常重要的礼物。如果你对好书的界定而模糊不清,就查找纽约时报所列的2010100本名著及现代文学所列的排名前100位的小说。不论你选择哪一本,我建议你,如果你所在的地方有独立的书店,那就在当地买。很幸运,我所在的地方有一个不错的Flyleaf Books(书店名)。

Got other ideas? Please share them in the comments.


Happy Holidays,



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