
A Foreign Foreign Accent 外国口音综合症∶声音也会被掉包

 cntic 2011-09-27
A Foreign Foreign Accent 外国口音综合症∶声音也会被掉包
by Rebecca A. Fratzke
Is it true that people sometimes have no control over their own voices?

It is the combination of many things that make each one of us who we are, including the way we walk and the way we hold chopsticks or tableware. _(1)_ When we make a phone call, our friends and family can usually recognize our voices on the line right away. Our voices are ours alone and unlike anyone else's in the world. That being said, what if our voices change? This does not refer to the change everyone, especially young men, go through during puberty. _(2)_
Trauma to the left side of the brain, where the speech center is, can cause a person to pronounce sounds and words differently. _(3)_ Or they may pronounce Ws as Vs, which is common in German and Swedish. It does not affect everyone in the same way, though. _(4)_
There are other effects as well. Life can be quite traumatic for people with FAS because they feel out of place and are treated differently by others. _(5)_ Even so, those dealing with FAS happily agree that while it has its drawbacks, a foreign accent is a much better outcome than the other possible results of brain injuries.

(A) Instead, it refers to a rare disorder caused by a brain injury—foreign accent syndrome (FAS).
(B) Some sufferers only experience FAS for a short time, while others have to deal with the condition permanently.
(C) For example, someone may start to roll their Rs, which is a trademark sound for Russian and Spanish accents.
(D) Having to explain the condition to strangers who curiously ask where the sufferer is from and being judged as faking the accent can be a real nuisance.
(E) In addition, along with our physical appearance, one of the first traits people notice is the sound of our voices.


1. 第一题空格应选 (E)
a. 空格前一句提到,众多事物的结合造就每个人的特色,其中包括走路和拿筷子或餐具的方式。
b. (E) 选项的句子提到,此外,除了外貌,人们注意他人的第 1 个特徵之一便是声音,补充说明前面第一句话,且前後语意连贯,故选之。
a. along with...连同……一起
例: Jeff, along with David and Steve, will be going swimming tomorrow.
b. trait n. 特徵
c. notice vt. 注意到,看到
例: Have you noticed that Ted has been a little strange lately?

2. 第二题空格应选 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,这指的不是每个人,尤其不是年轻男性在青春期经历的变声,推测下一句要说明所指为何。
b. (A) 选项的句子提到,而这是指『外国口音综合症』(FAS),一种因为脑部受伤造成的罕见语言失调,符合推测,且前後语意连贯,故选之。
a. refer to...指的是……
例: The word birdbrain refers to a stupid person.
(birdbrain 一字指的是蠢蛋。)
b. disorder n. 失调;(身心的)不适
c. injury n. 伤害
d. accent n. 口音;腔调
e. syndrome n. 综合症,症候群

3. 第三题空格应选 (C)
a. 空格前一句说,掌管语言的左脑若受到损伤,会导致一个人用不同的方式发字母和单字的音,推测空格会进一步说明这是什麽情况。
b. (C) 选项的句子举例说,有人可能会开始将 R 音发成颤音,而这是俄国腔或西班牙腔的特殊发音,符合推测,且前後语意连贯,故选之。
a. roll vt. 发(卷舌音或颤音);滚动
b. trademark n. 特徵,标记;商标

4. 第四题空格应选 (B)
a. 空格前一句提到,FAS 影响每个人的方式不尽相同。
b. (B) 选项的句子说,有些患者只会短暂经历这个症状,但有些人则必须永久和它共处,说明了 FAS 影响每个人的不同方式,语意连贯,故选之。
a. some...others...一些……另一些……(用於非限定的两个群体)
例: Some of the students went outside during the break; others stayed in the classroom.
b. sufferer n. 患病者;受害者
c. deal with...处理……;应付……
例: Josh was unable to deal with that difficult problem.
d. permanently adv. 永久地
temporarily dv. 暂时地
例: Seeing too many violent movies may permanently harm children.

5. 第五题空格应选 (D)
a. 空格前一句提到,对於 FAS 患者来说,生活可能相当痛苦,因为他们觉得格格不入,还要受到他人的差别对待。
b. (D) 选项的句子提到,患者要对好奇询问他们来自何处的陌生人解释自己的情况,又要被认定假装别种口音,这些对他们而言都是很讨厌的一件事,说明了 FAS 患者为何觉得生活痛苦,故选之。
a. curiously adv. 好奇地
b. fake vt. 假装;伪造
例: Billy faked an injury so he wouldn't have to finish the race.
c. nuisance n. 令人讨厌的人或物
例: Vicky thinks her little sister is a real nuisance at times.

  1. recognize vt. 认出
    例: I hardly recognized my old colleague after so many years.
  2. alone a. 仅仅,光是(置於名词後作後位修饰)
    例: The price of the dress alone is enough to discourage me from buying it.
  3. go through...经历……
    例: Jim went through a series of interviews before being offered the job.
  4. pronounce vt. 发……的音
    pronunciation n. 发音
    例: Please pronounce that word again. I didn't hear you clearly.
    (请再发 1 次那个字的音。我没听清楚。)
  5. affect vt. 影响
    = influence vt.
    例: Linda's lack of sleep affected her performance during the test.
  6. out of place格格不入的;不适当的
    例: Michael felt out of place among all the girls in the dance class.
  7. outcome n. 结果
    例: The outcome of the experiment was not what the scientist was originally expecting.
  1. chopstick n. 筷子
  2. a pair of chopsticks一双筷子
  3. tableware n. 餐具(集合名词,不可数)
  4. puberty n. 青春期
  5. trauma n. 损伤,外伤;(心理)创伤
  6. traumatic a. 痛苦难忘的;造成创伤的
  7. drawback n. 缺点
  1. on the line在电话中,在电话线上
  2. right away马上,立刻
  3. That being said, S + V话虽如此,……

众多事物的结合造就每个人的特色,其中包括走路和拿筷子或餐具的方式。此外,除了外貌,人们注意他人的第 1 个特徵之一便是声音。打电话时,朋友和家人通常在电话中能马上认出我们的声音。每个人的声音仅为个人拥有,与世界上其他任何人的都不同。话虽如此,倘若声音改变了怎麽办?这指的不是每个人,尤其不是年轻男性在青春期经历的变声,而是指『外国口音综合症』(FAS),一种因为脑部受伤造成的罕见语言失调。
掌管语言的左脑若受到损伤,会导致一个人用不同的方式发声和发单字的音。例如,有人可能会开始将 R 音发成颤音,而这是俄国腔或西班牙腔的特殊发音。或者有人会把 W 音发成 V 音,而这在德文和瑞典文中则很普遍。不过,FAS 影响每个人的方式不尽相同。有些患者只会短暂经历这种症状,但有些人则必须永久和它共处。
这当中也有其他的影响。对 FAS 患者来说,生活可能相当痛苦,因为他们觉得格格不入,还要受到他人的差别对待。患者要对好奇询问他们来自何处的陌生人解释自己的症状,又要被认定假装别种口音,这些对他们而言都是很讨厌的一件事。即使如此,FAS 患者高兴地同意,虽然外国口音有其缺点,但比起脑部伤害造成的其他可能症状,它已算不幸中的大幸。

答案∶ 1. (E)2. (A)3. (C)4. (B)5. (D)

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