

 昵称535749 2011-09-30

作者 Sherri

Hello! I can’t believe the holidays are over already and we’re well back into our day to day.


In the past I’ve been described as a bit of a pit bull. Now this can be a great thing in certain circumstances, but not all the time. I have a tendency to become so focused on something that I’ll grab onto it, go full tilt and say to hell with anything else. As I said in certain circumstances this can be very useful but in general it leads to complete imbalance!


When I look back over 2010, in a general sense, it’s clear to me now that my time was not very balanced at all.


I’ve spent way too much time focusing on my online ventures that I haven’t spent nearly as much effort on my health or my “real world” relationships.   If I evaluate the time I spent online a lot of it was doing stuff that was perhaps less productive than I would have liked. Not complete time wasters, but I know I could have spent my time a little more wisely. If I had done so I could have logged off far earlier in the day and done other things, more important things.


So armed with this knowledge my word for the year is:




What does this mean?


This year is about establishing balance. Finding a spot that allows me to enjoy all the things I love. This includes spending time with family and friends, reading, creating (sewing, crafting, photography etc …), exercising, simplifying, writing, developing a business on and off line and helping people. 


This sounds like an awful lot of stuff to commit to and juggle and indeed it is. It will take work, especially for me, to do each of these things in moderation and keep everything in balance. I also think it will come down to being mindful and deliberate with where I spend my time and for how long. 


Why am I choosing balance?


As I said above, there are a lot of things that I’ve become out of touch with. Things I thoroughly enjoy I’ve not been doing and things I want to do I haven’t done because I’ve been “too busy” doing other stuff. 


I’m trying to have more fun this year, trying to making a living both on and off-line (for people who think blogging is a way to become wealthy …. um … for most people (myself included), no!  ). I’m trying to increase the richness in my life and in the lives of my kids and in the relationship I have with my hubs. 


So that’s my general plan for the year. I hope by choosing this word I’ll be able to set goals or directions (long and short term) with the spirit of balance in mind.


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