

 冰姿飒飒 2011-12-30

—I don’t think I can achieve my aim.

   —In my opinion,you shouldn’t  such a task.                  

A. attempt                B. have attempted

C.manage                D. have managed

解析:选 B。句意为:——我认为我不能完成我的目标。——依我之见,你本不应该尝试这样的任务。should not have done本不该做某事。attempt尝试;manage设法做到。

It is clear that the Spring Festival Gala (春节晚会)on CCTV hardly_______  to the tastes of all age groups.                                               

A. caters  B. devotes      C. leads   D. appeals

解析:选A 句意为:很明显中央电视台的春节联欢晚会很难迎合所有年龄层的兴趣。cater 迎合;devote 奉献;lead to导致;appeal吸引。D项,虽然在意思上也勉强讲的通,但是appeal后面多跟人作宾语。

We______  the Japanese government to set free the captain at once without any conditions.

A. appeal to     B. come to     C. lead to       D. adapt to

解析:选A。句意为:我们呼吁日本政府无条件地释放我们的船长。appeal to呼吁;come to 苏醒,总计,达到;lead to 导致,通往;adapt to适应。

They are so much alike that I can’t _______ who is the younger of the two.

A. come out  B. turn out   C. figure out  D. make out

解析:选Dmake out辨认,辨别;turn out结果是,证明是;come out开花,出版;figure out弄懂;弄明白;计算出。根据句意他们如此相像以至于我无法辨认出谁更小可知,选D

Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.P2


表示方位的副词或介词短语位于句首,主语是名词,谓语是不及物动词,如:come, go, stand,

sit, lie 等,句子经常采用完全倒装的形式。

In front of the small house sat a small boy.


There comes the bus. 车来了。

Under the tree stand my English teacher and some of my classmates.




Here you are. 给你。

On top of the mountain______ .

A. a tower lies       B. lies a tower   C. does a tower lie    D. stands a tower

解析: D。介词短语放句首,谓语动词为stand, lie,exist等时,句子要用倒装结构,stand用于有高度的事物,而lie用于表面是平面的事物。

—Do you feel like _____ there or shall we take a bus?

—I’d like to walk. But since there isn’t much time left, I’d rather we _____ a taxi.

A. walking; hire  B. to walk; hire  C. to walk; hired  D. walking; hired

解析:选Dfeel likewould like在用法上最大的不同在于feel like后跟动名词,而would like后跟不定式,因此排除BC两项。would rather后的宾语从句多用过去时态,以表达委婉。

2. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _____ a native speaker.

A. as fluent as   B. more fluent than      C. so fluently as    D. much fluently than

解析:选C。句意为:他英语说地的确好,但当然不如本地人说地那么流利。so fluently as=as fluently as

3. He drank _____ ,which made him uncomfortable.

A. a great deal                      B. much too    

C. a great deal of                  D. plenty of

解析:选Aa great deal 修饰动词。句意为:他饮酒过多,很不舒服。much too 意为……”,修饰形容词或副词;a great deal of修饰不可数名词;plenty of修饰可数或不可数名词。

4. The landlord earned a lot of money by the work of the peasants so he soon _____ a great deal of farmland with the money.

A. took possession of             B. took the possession with 

C. got the possession with     D. had possessions of 

解析:选A take possession of为固定搭配,意思是become the owner or occupier of sth.,即拥有某物,符合语境。

5. Bill Banks was leaving Cairo for Tokyo with a case, _____ was an important computer program for a new type of defence satellite.

A. whose    B. that    C. for whom   D. in which

解析:选D in which在这里引导定语从句。句中为倒装形式,正常语序应是:an important computer program...was in the case

He is the last person _____ to Mary’s birthday party.

A. to invite  B. to be invited    C. invited   D. being invited 

解析:选B。不定式在这里作定语。当名词前面有序数词或last, next等修饰时,名词后面多用不定式作定语。

7. He _____ to escape from the prison, but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.

A. succeeded   B. attempted    C. advised   D. offered

解析:选B succeed 后不接不定式作宾语;advise doing sth.建议做某事;offer to do sth.主动帮助做某事。attempt to do sth.意为尽力去做,但不一定成功。由句意可知,应选B

8. She did not stop blaming the boy until she suddenly _____ what she said might have hurt him.

A. noticed   B. recognized    C. realized   D. liked

解析:选C。考查动词辨析。notice注意到,指注意到有形的具体的事情 recognize辨认出; realize认识到;领会到。由句意可知,应选C

There is no doubt _____ the price of meat will go up when the Spring Festival is coming.

A. whether    B. that   C. if   D. about

解析:选B doubt后跟同位语从句。当doubt用肯定形式时,引导词用whether。当doubt用否定形式时,引导词用that。故选B

10. —May I buy some books here? —We _____ all kinds of books here.

A. offer  B. give  C. buy  D. store


11. My neighbour decided to _____ an orphan as her own son.

A. adopt     B. adapt     C. receive     D. look

解析:选A。考查动词辨析。adopt 收养,领养;adapt适应,改编;receive收到。由句意可知,应选A

12. His heavy smoking _____ his lung cancer.

A. result from    B. led to         C. lied in     D. led in

解析:选Bresult from ……产生;lead to=cause=result in 引起;导致;lie in存在于。句意为:他的过度吸烟,导致他患上了肺病。

. She made full preparation for the interview so that she could be admitted on her first _____ .

A. purpose      B. trial       C. attempt    D. intention

解析:选Con her first attempt首次尝试;for the purpose of怀有……目的;with the intention of打算……。由句意可知,应选C

14. —Sorry, I would be absent from the get-together?

     —Would you please be more _____ ?

A. particular     B. special         C. specific     D. especial


15. All the works on _____ should be ready this evening.

A. appearance     B. display     

C. showing          D. exhibit

解析:选Bon display=on show意为展出,展览


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