

 超级绵绵羊 2012-07-06

喝红萝卜汁摄取维A/月见草油/flax oil/鱼肝油等

Resist the urge to pick and squeeze. Unlike acne whiteheads, the bumps are hard to pop, so you can end up with scabs, which look worse, and possibly even scars.

Use a body scrub in the shower. Try Booth’s Ginger Sugar Body Scrub (about $7 at drugstores) or De-luxe BAIN Hawaiian Cane Sugar Scrub in Amber Vanilla (about $13 at thenaturalstore.com). Both of these scrubs contain sugar to help exfoliate, and soybean oil to soften rough bumps. Rub in a circular motion to loosen tough plugs of dead skin, avoiding any scabs. Rubbing too hard can redden the bumps, so be gentle.

After showering, apply a rich body cream. Try a cream with lactic acid, such as Lac Hydrin or U-Lactin, both available at drugstores. You can also try Sea Buckthorn Oil by Weleda, recommended by one of my newsletter readers.

If the condition worsens, see a dermatologist, who may prescribe a stronger product, such as Hydro 35 foam or Retin-A, both of which help dissolve stubborn bumps. In addition, body peels and noninvasive laser and light treatments can help soften and fade red patches.


 ① 温和去角质

  因为“鸡皮肤”与角质变厚有关,所以温和的去角质是必要的,但一定不可过度。   去角质有很多方法,我们洗澡时用含磨砂颗粒的沐浴乳、洗澡海绵、浴球等猛搓身体,都能达到去角质的效果。只是,每天这么洗,皮肤流失水分增多,会令本来就很干燥的“鸡皮肤”变得更薄更干,反过来又会刺激“鸡皮肤”变得更厉害。我们皮肤的角质更新周期为28—45天,所以这么猛的去角质,1—1个半月做一次就够了。   去角质比较温和的方法,是用浴盐(食盐也有去角质功效,但其中的钠会令皮肤干燥,“鸡皮肤”的人还是用具保湿功效的死海浴盐比较好)洗澡,也可先将浴盐用热水溶解了,然后混合在植物型的沐浴乳中(化学制剂多的沐淋乳会与浴盐起化学反应),在淋浴时用。用浴盐泡澡时,还可加入玫瑰和檀香精油,去角质的同时还能滋润皮肤。   很多人认为每天洗澡是好习惯,但对于“鸡皮肤”来说并不好。沐浴乳也能一定程度上去除老废角质,但是洗澡也能洗掉皮肤上面的保护油脂,让皮肤变的更加干燥。所以,“鸡皮肤”的人在冬天2、3天洗一次澡就够了,或者每天只用清水洗澡,而不用沐浴乳。   


        比去角质更重要的,是滋润皮肤。“鸡皮肤”是很缺水又很缺油的皮肤,用一般的护体乳会不够滋润,而应使用药房里卖的专为极干性皮肤配方的护体乳比如依泉极润护体乳、理肤泉营润身体乳霜、薇姿营养护体霜等。洗澡时也应该用滋润型的清洁产品。   另一个重点是,洗澡的水温一定要保持在40℃左右。冬日里,很多人喜欢用比较烫的水,觉得这样 才够舒服。但烫的水很容易“去油”,也会过多洗去皮肤的油脂;而当身体一离开热水,皮肤表面的水分会立刻蒸发,同时也带走了皮肤的水分。这对于“鸡皮肤” 来说都是“雪上加霜”的事。   


So it's fairly simple, the video got deleted off of youtube, I think the user took it down... But you just take in a LOT more omega three... The eggs, fish FLAXSEED, supplements... She mentioned some sort of sulphur soap and a lotion that contained urea. I never used lotions because I hate the feel of it on my arm. I'm not a fake, I've seen some people posting threads with pictures that looked altered or taken differently...

So I've been taking like 6 small spoonfulls of flaxseed every day for like two months now, and my kp... Totally GONE.

I have been lurking on this forum for over a year now and have tried various treatments listed on here such as coconut oil, sugar scrubs, AHA lotions, Glycolic acid peels etc... but I only ended up disappointd and poorer after not getting the results other people were reporting.

I have finally found a treatment that has worked for me:

1.Using a DRY loofah on DRY skin (circular motions seems to work best) once daily for first ten days and the every 2-3 days after that. Your skin will probably be red for 10 minutes or so. (You will actually see the heads of keratin come off exposing small white 'plugs' I believe this works because the keratin is now exposed it allows the creams below to work more efficently) Your skin will feel baby smooth after about 4 days.

2. Applying DOVE pro age LOTION (not the creme oil) which contains Lactic acid, which is an exfoliant.

3. And then applying a layer of 10% urea ( which is an exfoliant and is a keratin softener) I used Eucerin urea and a generic urea cream and both woked. The generic was a little more greasy though.

I would like to add that for people looking for a quick fix this is probably not the solution for you, although you will definitely see some improvement after only a few days. It took me a total of 3 months to have clear skin.

I wish that I had taken photos of my legs and arms before,but as I have tried many things and been dissapointed so many times. I started this treatment somewhat pessimistically.

Please try it and let me know how you get on as I am v. confident in this treatment.

REMEMBER Your KP has probably been building up for years and will probably take months to go.
鱼鳞病患者可以多吃维生素A的食物    鱼鳞病的发病是由于遗传原因导致体内热、血毒形成某种物质代谢障碍,这种代谢遗留物不易从肾脏排泄,却与皮肤有较强的亲和力,由于这种代谢遗留物的熔点和 溶解受气温、湿度的影响很大,夏季皮肤水分充足,气温高,这种物质处于液化和溶解状态,因此对皮肤的损害相对较轻该物质一经分泌到皮肤表层就迅速凝固, 并且皮肤水分减少,无法有效溶解该物质,因此它就凝结,沉积于皮肤角质层,所以会出冬重夏轻的症状,其结果一方面对皮肤产生损害,使皮肤角化速度大大加快 产生大量的鳞屑;另一方面堵塞了毛囊和汗腺导管,导致皮脂腺、汗腺分泌障碍,最终使皮肤失去滋润,变得异常干燥。由于全身皮脂腺、汗腺的分布差异以及每个 人体质的不同,分别从皮脂腺,汗腺上分泌代谢遗留物的多少也不一。
研究表明,鱼鳞病患者血清中维生素A的含量明显低于正常人。鱼鳞病患者机体对维生素A的利用有先天性缺陷。因此,对鱼鳞病患者补充维生素A,可有效缓解鱼 鳞病的症状。患者可口服或肌肉注射维生素A,外用尿素霜、鱼肝油软膏或低浓度的维甲酸霜等。维生素A为脂溶性维生素,宜在饭后服,且不要过量。患者平时可 以多吃富含维生素A的食物,如胡萝卜、白薯、鱼肝油、绿叶菜及猪肝等。冬季洗澡不宜过勤,洗时较好不用肥皂,洗澡后要搽用护肤油脂,可使皮肤变得柔润,鳞 屑减少,并保持适当的水分和足够的营养成分。另外,还应注意保暖,避免风寒刺激皮肤忌食辛辣刺激食物
上海华肤医院皮肤病专家经过多年的临床实践,成功研发运用“中药内外兼治三联疗法”技术领先、效果显著:一是通过中药调理脾胃,滋补肝肾,让皮肤得到调 养;二是采用中药熏蒸,活血化瘀、清除血毒素;三是用中药特制药膏,外涂于鱼鳞病病灶,疏通腠理,通经活络,以此三管齐下促进皮肤代谢排毒,短期治疗后即 可让患者重新获得光滑洁嫩皮肤。

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