

 悠悠华语 2012-10-15
1.traditional [tr?'d?∫?n(?)l]    adj. 传统的;习俗的
例句:He prefers to paint in the traditional Chinese style.
2.skill [skil]    n. 技能;技巧;技艺
例句:Reading and writing are different skills.
3. elderly ['eld?l?]    adj. 老年的
例句:He's very active for an elderly man.
4. up to  达到
例句:The number of the trees is up to 400. 树木的数量达到了400棵。
5.require [ri'kwai?]   v. 需要;需求
例句:They are required to show their tickets.  他们需要出示票。
6. set off  (使)出发,启程
例句:What time are you planning to set off ?  你计划什么时候出发?
7. remove [ri'mu:v]   v. 使离去;移开
例句:She removed to a small town. 她离开了一个小镇。
8.no more   不再
例句:He promised to drink no more. 他承诺不再喝酒。
9.frighten ['fraitn]   v.惊吓
例句:She was frightened by the snake. 她被蛇吓坏了。
10. breed [bri:d]  v.生育;繁殖
例句:The bear bred two cubs.  这只熊生了两只小熊。
11.produce [pr?'dju:s]   v. 生育;生产
例句:This factory produces steel. 这家工厂生产钢铁。
12. take away 拿走;移走
例句:He takes away my book. 他拿走了我的书。
13.gradually ['ɡr?dj??l?]   adv. 逐渐地
例句:Controls in the city have gradually tightened.
14.grateful['ɡreitful]  adj. 感激的
例句:I can't express how grateful I am. 我无法表达我的感激。
15. well-built [wel- bilt]  adj. 身强体壮的
例句:He was well-built. 他身体强壮。

3. It’s hot today. 今天很热。
是这样!(That's it!)
没办法。(It can't be helped.)
轮到我了。(It is my turn.)
事实上,我们可以打败他们。(As it is, we can beat them.)
离开这里不远。(It is not far from here.)
只要一美元。(It is only one dollar.)
这儿真热。(It is so hot here!)
Look up the word in the dictionary if it is difficult to you. 如果你认为这个词太难了,就查字典。
I would appreciate it if you could do me a favour. 如果你能帮我就太感谢了。
Here is a plastic box. It is useful. 这是一个塑料盒子。它很有用。
Don't throw the old newspaper away; you may need it. 别把那份就报纸扔了,我可能会需要它。
The dog outside belongs to the owner of the house. It is very fierce. 外面那条狗是这个房子的主人的。它很凶。
Look at the cat! Isn't it cute? 看那只猫。它可爱吗?
When the children saw a horse coming, they stopped and looked at him. 当孩子们看到马走过来的时候,他们停下来看着它。
A cow is grazing grass in the field. She looks very strong. 一只母牛正在吃草。它看起来很强壮。
It is raining outside. Don't go out! 外面下雨了。别出去!
It is the 20th of December. 今天是12月20日。
Time flies! It is a vacation again. 时光飞逝!又到假期了。
It was half past five that when Jason got up. 杰森起床的时候是5点半。
It is very far from school to the market. 从学校到那个市场很远。
It is only short a distance to the library. 到图书馆很近。
The baby next door kept me awake. It cried loudly. 隔壁那个婴儿把我弄醒了。它哭得很大声。
Yes, I was at home last night. What about it? 是的,昨晚我在家。怎么了?
When the company closes down, it (i.e. this event) will affect some staff’ future. 公司倒闭的话会影响到一些员工。

无疑的(no doubt),快乐(happiness)是世界上最宝贵(precious)的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的(empty)而且毫无意义的(meaningless)。但是怎么才能获得快乐呢,如果你希望知道如何获得(get)快乐,你须注意下面两点。首先,健康(health)是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣(fun)。如果一个人没有了健康的身体(body),那么他就失去了生活的基础,无论有什么样的愿望,也不可能去实施、实现了,即使他拥有很多财富,也同样于事无补。其次,快乐在于知足(contentment)。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。即使(even)在很多人看来,他拥有了很多人想拥有却要不可及的东西,但是他却依然不满足(unsatisfactory),看不到自己已经拥有的,也不懂得珍惜自己已经拥有的,却总是看到自己的不到的,或者是还没有得到的,甚至是不属于(belong to)自己的东西,这无疑是庸人自扰,贪得无厌,快乐将离他远去。

1.attend  v. 专心;仔细;考虑照顾、关照某人(某事物);照看(某人);照料;看护;照例去(某处);出席;伴随(某人[某事物]);陪伴
Why weren't you attending when I explained before? 我以前解释的时候, 你怎么不注意听呢?
Attend to your work and stop talking. 专心工作, 不要说话。
A nurse attends to his needs. 有个护士照顾他。
Are you being attended to (e.g. said by an assistant to a customer in a shop)? 有人接待您吗(如店员问顾客)?
Could you attend to this matter immediately? 你能不能立刻处理这件事?
Dr Smith attended her in hospital. 史密斯医生在医院中给她治病。   
attend school, church, etc 上学﹑上教堂等
They had a quiet wedding only a few friends attended (it). 他们的婚礼静悄悄的--只有几个朋友参加。
The meeting was well attended, ie Many people were there. 有很多人出席会议。
The Queen was attended by her ladies-in-waiting. 女王由宫廷女侍陪伴。
May good fortune attend you! 祝你红运当头!
2.earn  v. 赚;挣;(贷款或投资)获得(利钱);(因自己的成就﹑行为等)得到(应得的事物);博得;使得
He earns 10000 a year. 他一年赚10000英镑。
She earned her living by singing in a nightclub. 她靠在夜总会唱歌谋生。
earned/unearned income 劳动收入[非劳动收入]
Money earns more in a high interest account. 钱放在高利息的帐户里获利多。
You've certainly earned your retirement. 你已理当退休了。
a well-earned rest 应得的休息
His honesty earned him great respect. 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。
His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke. 他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。
3.respect  n.
尊敬;敬重;钦敬;尊敬之表示;尊重之情;维护;承认;尊重[C] 方面;着眼点  v. (因某事物)尊敬或敬重某人[某事物];重视﹑考虑或尊重(某人[某事物]);不干预或不损害某事物; 承认某事物;自重; 自尊
a mark, token, etc of respect 尊敬的标志、表示等
have a deep, sincere, etc respect for sb. 深深地、由衷地...敬重某人
I have the greatest respect for you/hold you in the greatest respect. 我非常尊敬您。
The new officer soon won/earned the respect of his men. 那新来的军官很快博得了士兵的钦敬。
Children should show respect for their teachers. 学生要尊敬老师。
Out of respect, he took off his hat. 他脱帽以示敬意。
have some, little, no, etc respect for sb.'s feelings 相当、不太、毫不……尊重某人的感情
With (all due) respect, sir, I disagree. 先生,恕我直言,我不能同意。
very little respect for human rights 极不尊重人权。
in this one respect 在这一点上
in some/all/many/several/few respects 在某些[各个/许多/几个/极少]方面
In what respect do you think the film is biased? 你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇?with special reference to sth. 关於某事物;就某方面而言
The book is admirable in respect of style. 这本书风格极佳。
price rises in respect of gas and water costs 煤气费和水费涨价
This is true with respect to English but not to French. 这一点在英语属实而在法语则不同。
With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet. 关于你的询问, 兹附上有关说明资料。
I respect you for your honesty. 由于你为人正直, 我对你十分敬重。
respect sb.'s wishes, opinions, feelings, etc 尊重某人的意愿、意见、感情等
respect the environment, eg by protecting it 重视环境问题(如保护环境)
People won't respect my (desire for) privacy. 大家都不顾及我(希望享有的)个人自由。
respect sb.'s rights, privileges, etc 承认某人的权利、特权等
respect a treaty, contract, etc 遵守条约、合同等
respect diplomatic immunity (eg of foreign embassy staff to British law) as valid 承认外交豁免权有效.
If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? 自己不自重, 又怎能受到别人尊重呢?
4.grade  n.(官阶、质量)等级, 品级, 阶段, 程度;(考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级;(学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面);年级; (按年级划分的)小学生
She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异。
The milk is sold in grades. 牛奶分等级出售。
He merits a grade of B on his composition.他的作文分数应该得B。
The music exam has eight grades; I have passed Grade 1, the easiest. 音乐考试分为八级, 我已通过了最容易的第一级。
Are you in high school or are you still in the grades? 你上中学了, 还是仍在上小学?
5.literature n.
文学; 文学作品;文学著作或研究;(某国或某时期的)文学作品;某学科的著作或文献;小册子; 传单
a degree in American literature 美国文学学位
French literature 法国文学
18th century (English) literature 18世纪(英国)文学
I've read all the available literature on poultry-farming. 我把现有的家禽饲养方面的资料全都读过了。
There is now an extensive literature on the use of computers in the home. 现在有许多关于家庭计算机的使用资料
Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain. 请寄些有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料。
(1) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语。
He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy.(做主语)
What’s that which flashed in the sky just now?
(3)关系代词后面有插入语时,用关系代词 which。
Here is the English grammar book which, as I have told you, will help to improve your English.
2、只用who, whom.而不用that的情况
    (1) 如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, those, ones等时,关系代词应该用 who 或whom,不用 which,that。例如:
Is there anyone here who will go with you?
People all like those who have good manners.
(2) 当先行词是指人的集合名词时,如果作这个名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which;若是指集体中的各个成员,则用who。
    Mr. Smith came to visit my family, who were watching TV then.
    Our class, which is a very good one, was praised again at the meeting.
I want to see the film that is on show.
The students who don’t study hard will not pas the exam.
4、one of the… 与the one of the … 做先行词时谓语不一致。
Li Bai is one of the greatest poets that have lived in China.
Li Bai is the one of the greatest poets that has lived in China.

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