
A Day for Giving Thanks 表达感激的温馨节日──感恩节

 cntic 2012-11-20

While some people can't get enough of Christmas, others love a different holiday more. Celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is an American holiday that has its roots in history. The first Thanksgiving was held by early settlers in America and Native Americans. The settlers were having a hard time living in the new land, so the Native Americans gave them a hand. They provided them with corn, squash, and other local foods. To celebrate working together, they shared a large meal and gave thanks for everything they had.
Thanksgiving is now a national holiday and a time for families to get together. It is held on the fourth Thursday in November. It is also a holiday that celebrates all the crops harvested in the fall. Foods like squash, beans, and cranberries are traditionally served at a Thanksgiving meal. Typically, a roasted turkey filled with rice or bread stuffing is the main dish.
New methods of cooking a whole turkey are invented each year. One tasty way is to deep fry the turkey in oil. However, this is also extremely risky. Many phone calls are made to the fire department each year because of turkey-frying disasters.


  1. can't get enough of...很喜爱……
    Steve can't get enough of video games and plays them for hours on end.
  2. have + 所有格 + roots in...(某物)起源於……
    Jazz has its roots in the black communities of the American South.
  3. have a hard time + 动名词做……有困难
    Tim had a hard time understanding what the foreigner was saying.
  4. provide + 人 + with + 物为某人提供某物
    The foundation provides homeless children with a chance at a good education.
  5. harvest vt. 收割,收获
    The farmer spent the whole day harvesting the rice in his fields.
  6. typicallyadv. 典型地;通常
    Male birds are typically more colorful than female birds.
  7. riskya. 危险的,冒险的
    Traveling through that part of the country can be risky, so you might want to reconsider.
  8. disastern. 灾难,灾祸
    During the past five years, Taiwan has experienced many natural disasters.

  1. settler n. 移居者;殖民者
  2. native a. 土生土长的
  3. squash n. 南瓜属植物(如南瓜、葫芦等)
  4. thanks n. 感谢的话 举动(恒用复数)
  5. cranberry n. 蔓越莓
  6. stuffing n. 填馅,馅料
  7. deep fry vt. 油炸

本文"Celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is..."的这句原为"Thanksgiving is celebrated in November, Thanksgiving is an American holiday that has its roots in history.",但如此一来会形成一句有两个动词,但无连接词连接的错误句构。若想将两句合并而不使用连接词或分号连接时,则需将其中之一的子句化为分词句构,其法则如下∶
1. 被化简子句中的主词与主要子句中的主词相同时,该主词要被删除;若主词不同时则需保留(此种写法较为少见);
2. 之後的动词要变成现在分词;
3. 若该动词为 be 动词时,变成现在分词 being 之後可省略。
Sick of studying, Todd took a break and went out for a walk.
Having nothing to do, Jason felt bored.

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