

 紫曦唯幂1 2012-12-09
(一)用“be going to” 结构表示将来要发生的事,或打算、计划,决定要做的事情。


  1. 这个结构的使用主要侧重于口语。表示事先计划好的客观的或肯定要发生的事情。状语经常是表示将来的词。如:tomorrow , the day after tomorrow , soon (不久), this afternoon , this evening , this year , before long (不久) , in the future (将来), in the near future (在不久的将来),some day (某天)


  2. 陈述句基本构成:

    主语 + be (am , is , are) + going to + 动词原形

    如:I am going to travel around the world .


        They are going to meet outside the school gate .


        He is going to play basketball tomorrow .


        It is going to rain .


    上边四句中am , is , are为助动词,根据主语不同而改变。“going to”每个句中都有。注意to 后边的动词:travel , meet , play , rain 都是原形。


  3. 否定句:

    主 + be + not + going to + 动词原形

    如:We are not going to have any classes next week .


         I am not going to be a teacher .



  4. 疑问句:

    将Am , Is , Are 提前大写即可。

    B (Am , Is , Are ) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形

    如:Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up ?


    简略回答:Yes , I am .    No , I am not .

    Is he going to take the piano lesson tomorrow ?


    Yes , he is .    No , he isn’t .


  5. 特殊疑问句:

    特殊疑问词 When (How , What , Where )等 + be (am , is , are ) + 主 + going to + 动词原形


        What are you going to do next Sunday ?



  6. 此外表示将来的一般将来时和“be going to ”表将来的区别是什么呢。

    一般将来时基本结构是主语 + will(或shall) + 动词原形 + ……

    我们还没有学过这种用will / shall 表示的将来时态,但我们在书上已经几次出现。在此同学们只掌握它与be going to 的区别即可。

    (1)当说话人在做一个预测时,(他或她认为将来会发生或出现某种情况),will 和 be going to ……都是可以用的。

    (2)表达一种事先计划或打算时(说话人打算在将来做某事,因为他已制定了一个计划或决定去做这件事),只能用be going to .

    如:He is going to change his job .


    (3)而will , shall 则表示未经事先考虑的意图。

    如:There is somebody at the door . I’ll go and open it .




  7. 我们说某处有某物用There is ……/ There are ……的句型。

    它的原型是There be 句型,那么它的将来时怎么表达呢?怎么带入“be going to ”的结构中去呢?


        我们说:There is going to be a bridge over the river next year .

    在这句中,我们看“is”是由“be going to ”的be 来的。

    “be”是“there be ”句型中的动词原形“be”。

    我们千万不能说: There is going to have ……(×)


  8. 当动词为come , go , leave , start , begin , arrive 等表示短暂动作的词时,我们通常用现在进行时表将来。如:我明天将走。

    I am going tomorrow .

    此时我们不说:I am going to go tomorrow .


    He is arriving tomorrow afternoon .


(二)P68  3a. Listen and fill in the chart .

    The correct answers are :

    Where ? He is going to move to New York .

    How ? Chi is going to take acting lessons .

    When ? He is going to finish high school and college first .



  1. Where is he going to move ?

  2. How is Chi going to do ?

  3. When is he going to finish high school and college ?

    ·move to  表示搬家到什么地方

      He is going to move to Shanghai . 他将搬到上海。

    ·take acting lessons  上表演课


(三)P69  3a.

  1. dream job 意思是“理想的工作”。

  2. I’m going to do what I want to do .

    what I want to do 是宾语从句作do 的宾语,这句话的意思是我将做我想做的事情。

  3. I’m going to move somewhere interesting .



    Finally , I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful .


    这二句中somewhere是不定代词,表示“某处”,之后的形容词interesting , quiet and beautiful 做 somewhere 的定语,但修饰不定代词的定语必须后置。

    如:nothing difficult  没什么难事

         nothing wrong  没什么问题

         something delicious  好吃的东西等

  4. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy .


    sound like  听起来像

    that I could enjoy 是a city 的定语从句。

  5. find a part-time job 找到一份兼职工作。

    for a year or two  一、二年

    save some money 攒一些钱

    some 后可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词如:

    some students (可数名词)一些学生

    some money (不可数名词)一些钱

  6. at the same time  同时

    I study English . At the same time , I study French .


  7. I’m going to hold art exhibitions that will make me rich and famous .


    hold an exhibition  举办展览会。 hold a meeting  开会

    “that will make me rich and famous”是定语从句

    make sb + 形容词表示“使某人……”

    make me happy 使我高兴。

    happy 是宾语me的补充说明,叫宾语补足语。那么rich and famous 作宾语me的宾语补足语。


(四)P69  3b.  I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers .


    send … to …  把……送到什么地方。


(五)P69  4. Beijing is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games .


    host 动词“主办”。此句为现在进行时表将来。

    make the Olympics a success .


    make … a success 是说使……成功

    success 是名词表示成功。


(六)Section B. P70  1a  一些短语的意思要会

  1. play an instrument  演奏一种乐器

  2. set good grades  得到好成绩


(七)P70  2b. answers :

    Manuel : going to study hard and do his homework every day .

    Kim : going to a summer camp , going to play soccer , going to practice really hard every day .


(八)P71  3a  New Year’s Resolution Survey Results


    keep fit 保持健康,相当于“keep healthy ”

    Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school .


    “their children learn at school ”作 subjects 的定语从句。

    They want to communicate better with their kids .


    communicate … with sb.  同某人联系


Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.


1.I_______give you a definite answer tomorrow.

    A.am going to    B.will    C.would

    解析:will表示意愿,“我明天会给你一个明确答复。”be going to表示计划,打算做某事。答案为B。

2. Miss Mendoza_______ for New York tomorrow.

    A.will leave    B.is going to    C.is leaving


3. Mr Morgon is going to retire_______.

    A.somewhere beautiful     B.quiet somewhere    C.a nice somewhere





1. computer programmer  电脑程序设计人

  2. professional basketball player  职业蓝球运动员

  3. engineer  工程师

  4. airline pilot  飞行员

  5. take lessons  上课

  6. grades  成绩

  7. dream job  理想的工作

  8. grow up  长大

  9. move to  搬到,移动到

  10. exhibition  展览

  11. resolutions  决心

  12. get good grades  得到好成绩

  13. get a part-time job  得到一份兼职的工作

  14. make more friends  交更多的朋友

  15. computer science  计算机科学

  16. sounds like  听起来像

  17. fashion show  时装表演会

  18. at the same time  同时

  19. keep fit  保持健康

  20. welcome party  迎新会


(四)主要句型:Target language .

  1. What are you going to be when you grow up ?


  2. I am going to be a computer programmer .


  3. How are you going to do that ?


  4. I’m going to study computer science .


  5. Where are you going to work ?


  6. When are you going to do that ?


课文解析  SA  3a



My dream job:

    When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of fashion shows there. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I’m going to be a student at an art school in Paris. And I’m going to study French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and famous. I’m going to buy a big house with the money and I’m going to travel all over the world. Finally, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.

  1. When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do.



    (2)do what I want to do. 意为“做我想做的事”

    (3)grow up 成长,长大

    eg: She is going to be an actress when she grows up

    Our parents will be old when we grow up.


    eg: The crops are growing fast after a heavy rain.

  2. move. vt. 移动、搬动

    eg: Can you help me to move the box?

    Kate moved into New York city last year.

    moved adj. 感动

    We were moved after hearing his story.

  3. somewhere interesting 意为“某个有趣的地方”


    eg: something difficult    somewhere exciting

    nothing different

  4. sound like “听起来像”后面接名词;sound“听起来…”是一个系动词,后面接形容词。

    eg: That sounds like an good idea.

    Shanghai sounds like a wonderful place.

    Your idea sounds like a good one.

    This song sounds beautiful. 

  5. First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money.



    eg: In the morning he works as a part-time cook in a hotel.

    (2)a year or two = one or two years 一两年

    (3)save v. 意为“储蓄、储存、挽救、节约”

    eg: Children should learn to save.

    It is a good habit to save money.

  6. at the same time. 意为“同时,然而”

    eg: They answered the question at the same time.

    This is a difficult problem, at the same time it’s very interesting.

  7. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and famous.



    hold art exhibitions“举行艺术展览”

    hold a sports meeting 意为“举行运动会”,hold意思为“举行”,这里hold可以用have来替换,即:have a sports meeting.


    eg: They held each other’s hand.

    The room can hold 50 people.

  8. with the money“用这些钱”



    eg: China is a country with a long history.

    What’s wrong with your machine?


    eg: He is writing with a pen.

    We see with our eyes.


    eg: She is playing with some children.

    Would you like to dance with us?

  9. hold的用法:

    “hold art exhibitions”“举行艺术展览”

    “hold a sports meeting”意为“举行运动会”,hold意思为“举行”,这里hold可以用have来替换,因此可以表示为have a sports meeting.


    hold on (电话)别忙挂,等一等

    hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

    The room could hold fifty people.

    Hold on, please. Mrs. Li will speak to you.


课文解析SB  3a


   New Year’s Resolution Survey Results

    We got over 1,000 letters, faxes, and e-mails from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions. Thank you! Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers said they are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers said they are going to learn a new language. Some girls said they are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher. She is going to start teaching in China next year.

  1. We got over 1,000 letters, faxes, and e-mails from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions.


  2. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school.


    句中“their children learn at school”作subjects的定语,这个句子是定语从句。

  3. They want to communicate better with their kids.


    communicate with sb. 与…交流

    eg: The teachers communicate will with students.

  4. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher.


    a foreign language teacher 一个外语教师

    a foreign teacher一个外国教师



Unit 10  I’m going to be a basketball player.


  1. 识别和了解一些新兴行业的英文表达方式.

  2. 谈论未来自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排.

  3. 写一个文段介绍同伴理想的职业或是父母对将来的计划及为之做出的打算和安排.

  4. 制定未来一段时间的决心要做的事情.


  What is your father going to do in … years?

  How is he going to do that?

  Where is he going to move/ work?

  He/She is going to be a/ an……   He/She is going to ……

  He/She is going to move/ work……

  Sounds interesting.


  1. 现在进行时表示将来

  当一个句子的意思涉及一个计划好的事件或者明确的意图时, 用现在进行时可以表示将来时间. 现在进行时的将来意义或者通过时间副词或者通过上下文来暗示出来.


  1) Sam has already made his plans. He is leaving at noon tomorrow.

  2) A: What are you going to do this afternoon?

    B: After lunch I am meeting a friend of mine.

     We are going shopping.

     Would you like to come along?

  2. 一般将来时和be going to 表示将来

  1) 当说话人在做一个预测时, (他或她认为将来会发生或出现某种情况), will 和be going to都是可以用的.

  2) 表达一种事先计划或打算时( 说话人打算在将来做某事因为在过去他或她已制定了一个计划或决定去做这件事),只能用be going to.

  3) 表达意愿时, 只能用will.


  I. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空.

move   grow up   practice   write   enjoy   grade

  1. ---What are you going to be when you _____?

    ---I’m going to be a singer. I like singing.

  2. Being a journalist is a job I know I will _______.

  3. I have to ______for English magazines when I’m older.

  4. I’m going to ______my English in class this year.

  5. Mrs. White is going to ______ from Beijing to Shanghai next month.

  6. I’m going to be a teacher. I want to get good ______.

  II. 根据中文意思完成下列各句.

  1. 寒假期间我打算找一份临时工。

    I am going to ______ ______ _______ ______ on winter vacation.

  2. 我的英语学得不好, 我想参加一个英语学习班。

    I don’t learn English well. I’m going to _____ _____ _____ _____.

  3. 几个女孩子说, 她们准备经常锻炼身体保持健康。

    Some girls said they were going to ______very often ______ ______ ______.

  4. 你打算在哪儿工作?

    Where _____ you ______ ______ ______?

  5. 听起来巴黎就是我能喜欢的城市.

    Paris _______ _______ a city that I could _______.

  III. 阅读理解

  American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit(习惯).

  You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Think you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.

  “Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.

  Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.

  1. You should say “Thank you” when   .

  A. you say something kind to others   B. you help others

  C. someone helps you  D. you need others to help you

  2. From the passage we know “Thank you” is   .

  A. widely used in the world  B. used more often than “Excuse me”

  C. used only by Americans  D. used only between friends

  3. You should say “Excuse me” if you want to    .

  A. cough  B. make some noise  C. go first  D. all of the above

  4. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say     “   ”.

  A. Thank you   B. That’s very kind of you

  C. Excuse me D. I’m sorry

  5. This passage mainly tells us the way    .

  A. to be happy  B. to be polite

  C. to help others  D. to learn from Americans

  IV. 完形填空

  Scientists have  1   wanted to know more about the universe. Years ago they knew many things about the moon. They knew how big it was and how far away it was from the earth. But they wanted to know  2   about it. They thought the best way  3   men to the moon.

  The moon is about 38,400 kilometers away from the earth. A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air  4   only 240 kilometers away from the earth. But  5   can fly even when there is no air. That is a rocket(火箭).

  How does a rocket fly? There is gas in the rocket. When the gas  6   very hot inside the rocket, it will rush out of the end of the rocket,  7   it can make the rocket  8   up into the sky.

  Rockets can fly far out into space. Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them  9   to another planet much farther away than the moon. One day rockets  10   be able to go to any place in space.

  1. A. ever      B. never      C. always      D. already

  2. A. much       B. more       C. many thing    D. a lot

  3. A. to send     B. to take     C. to carry     D. to have

  4. A. is       B. are        C. travels     D. reaches

  5. A. it       B. that       C. something    D. someone

  6. A. become     B. get       C. make        D. is made

  7. A. so       B. because      C. that       D. for

  8. A. fly       B. flying      C. flies      D. to fly

  9. A. has flown    B. have flown   C. will fly     D. fly

  10. A. can       B. will       C. must       D. many

  V. 书面表达


  Beijing is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. What can you and your classmates do to help make the Olympics a success? Make a list with “going to”.

  (1) Discussion: What kind of volunteers will Olympic Games need?

  (2) Pair work: What do you want to be in 2008?

          How are you going to do for that?

  (3) Write you opinions and give a report:


  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________












  1. grow up  2. enjoy  3. write  4. practice  5. move  6. grades


  1. find a part-time job

  2. take an English club

  3. exercise, to keep fit

  4. are, going to work

  5. sounds like, enjoy


  1. C  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. B


  1. 文章的开头就说,“American people like to say‘Thank you’when others help them”,因此答案为C.

  2. 文章的第一段中说, “People of many countries do so, too.”因此答案为A.

  3. 根据文章的第二段,答案为D.

  4. 根据文章中的句子If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first. 答案应该为C.

  5. 整个文章讲述了Thank you 和 Excuse me的用法, 是在告诉我对人要有礼貌, 因此,答案应该为B.


  1. C  2. B  3. A  4. D  5. C  6. D  7. A  8. A  9. B  10. B


  1. 应选C。Scientists have always wanted…, 如果用ever只表示曾经,already 只表示已经,但选用了always 就表示不断地向宇宙进行探索。

  2. 应选B。前句已经讲到知道月亮的大小远近,本句讲的是But they wanted to know more about it.

  3. 应选A。送人到月球,用send men to the moon; take 是带人去,谁也没去过,谁又能带谁呢?carry men to, 装载人去,没有send to 意义好;have men to, 是错误的。

  4. 应选D。reaches解释为达到only 240 kilometers; 用is逻辑上是不对的,air 不可能离开地球240公里的;用are语法上错误;空气并不travel。

  5. 应选C。前句讲到A plane cannot fly, 但不知道是什么,直到下一句才点明是rocket, 所以应用something。

  6. 应选D。gas 是不可数名词,用become、get、make 都不合语法;is made 表示气体在火箭内部燃烧得很热。

  7. 应选A。因此推进火箭,应该用so, 这是结果;because表示因为,语义不对;for作为解释,也不行;that的表达结构不对。

  8. 应选A。make the rocket fly up…, make 后面加动词原形。

  9. 应选B。Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them 应该是 have flown to another planet, 有人的火箭到月球,无人的当然已经更远。

  10. 应选B。One day, 当然指的是将来,所以应该用will be able to。


  I’m going to be a senior school student in 2008. I want to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. I think I can introduce Beijing to foreign athletes. So I am going to study harder from now on. I’m going to speak English and write in English as much as possible. And I’m going to learn more about the differences between Chinese and Western culture so that I can treat foreigners more politely…

Will 和 be going to 结构的区别


一、 两者均可用来表示将来的意图,但"be going to"结构语义稍强些。例如:

      They are going to climb the Qomolangma one day.


二、对于事先经过考虑的打算、计划、意图, 应使用be going to, 而不是will 结构。例如:

    — What are you going to do next Sunday?


    — I'm going to go fishing. 我打算去钓鱼。

三、 对于未经过考虑的打算,计划,只是临时之意,则用will 结构,不用be going to 结构。例如:

    — Where is the telephone book? 电话号码簿在哪儿?

    — I'll go and get it for you.  我去给你拿。


    What is going to happen? 就要发生什么事?

    What will happen? 将要发生什么事?

    一般说来,be going to 表示较近的将来,而will 则表示较远的将来。试比较:

    It is going to snow tonight. 今晚要下雪。

    There will be a strong wind in a few days. 几天后将有一场大风。

五、表示不受人的主观意愿影响的单纯将来, 一般只能用will结构。例如:

    Tomorrow will be April Fools' Day. 明天是愚人节。


    There will be a heavy rain to the south of Huai River.




Unit 10  I’m going to be a basketball player.


  1. 识别和了解一些新兴行业的英文表达方式.

  2. 谈论未来自己理想的职业及为之做出的一些打算和安排.

  3. 写一个文段介绍同伴理想的职业或是父母对将来的计划及为之做出的打算和安排.

  4. 制定未来一段时间的决心要做的事情.


  What is your father going to do in … years?

  How is he going to do that?

  Where is he going to move/ work?

  He/She is going to be a/ an……   He/She is going to ……

  He/She is going to move/ work……

  Sounds interesting.


  1. 现在进行时表示将来

  当一个句子的意思涉及一个计划好的事件或者明确的意图时, 用现在进行时可以表示将来时间. 现在进行时的将来意义或者通过时间副词或者通过上下文来暗示出来.


  1) Sam has already made his plans. He is leaving at noon tomorrow.

  2) A: What are you going to do this afternoon?

    B: After lunch I am meeting a friend of mine.

     We are going shopping.

     Would you like to come along?

  2. 一般将来时和be going to 表示将来

  1) 当说话人在做一个预测时, (他或她认为将来会发生或出现某种情况), will 和be going to都是可以用的.

  2) 表达一种事先计划或打算时( 说话人打算在将来做某事因为在过去他或她已制定了一个计划或决定去做这件事),只能用be going to.

  3) 表达意愿时, 只能用will.


  I. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空.

move   grow up   practice   write   enjoy   grade

  1. ---What are you going to be when you _____?

    ---I’m going to be a singer. I like singing.

  2. Being a journalist is a job I know I will _______.

  3. I have to ______for English magazines when I’m older.

  4. I’m going to ______my English in class this year.

  5. Mrs. White is going to ______ from Beijing to Shanghai next month.

  6. I’m going to be a teacher. I want to get good ______.

  II. 根据中文意思完成下列各句.

  1. 寒假期间我打算找一份临时工。

    I am going to ______ ______ _______ ______ on winter vacation.

  2. 我的英语学得不好, 我想参加一个英语学习班。

    I don’t learn English well. I’m going to _____ _____ _____ _____.

  3. 几个女孩子说, 她们准备经常锻炼身体保持健康。

    Some girls said they were going to ______very often ______ ______ ______.

  4. 你打算在哪儿工作?

    Where _____ you ______ ______ ______?

  5. 听起来巴黎就是我能喜欢的城市.

    Paris _______ _______ a city that I could _______.

  III. 阅读理解

  American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit(习惯).

  You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Think you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.

  “Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you. It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.

  Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.

  1. You should say “Thank you” when   .

  A. you say something kind to others   B. you help others

  C. someone helps you  D. you need others to help you

  2. From the passage we know “Thank you” is   .

  A. widely used in the world  B. used more often than “Excuse me”

  C. used only by Americans  D. used only between friends

  3. You should say “Excuse me” if you want to    .

  A. cough  B. make some noise  C. go first  D. all of the above

  4. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say     “   ”.

  A. Thank you   B. That’s very kind of you

  C. Excuse me D. I’m sorry

  5. This passage mainly tells us the way    .

  A. to be happy  B. to be polite

  C. to help others  D. to learn from Americans

  IV. 完形填空

  Scientists have  1   wanted to know more about the universe. Years ago they knew many things about the moon. They knew how big it was and how far away it was from the earth. But they wanted to know  2   about it. They thought the best way  3   men to the moon.

  The moon is about 38,400 kilometers away from the earth. A plane cannot fly to the moon because the air  4   only 240 kilometers away from the earth. But  5   can fly even when there is no air. That is a rocket(火箭).

  How does a rocket fly? There is gas in the rocket. When the gas  6   very hot inside the rocket, it will rush out of the end of the rocket,  7   it can make the rocket  8   up into the sky.

  Rockets can fly far out into space. Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them  9   to another planet much farther away than the moon. One day rockets  10   be able to go to any place in space.

  1. A. ever      B. never      C. always      D. already

  2. A. much       B. more       C. many thing    D. a lot

  3. A. to send     B. to take     C. to carry     D. to have

  4. A. is       B. are        C. travels     D. reaches

  5. A. it       B. that       C. something    D. someone

  6. A. become     B. get       C. make        D. is made

  7. A. so       B. because      C. that       D. for

  8. A. fly       B. flying      C. flies      D. to fly

  9. A. has flown    B. have flown   C. will fly     D. fly

  10. A. can       B. will       C. must       D. many

  V. 书面表达


  Beijing is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. What can you and your classmates do to help make the Olympics a success? Make a list with “going to”.

  (1) Discussion: What kind of volunteers will Olympic Games need?

  (2) Pair work: What do you want to be in 2008?

          How are you going to do for that?

  (3) Write you opinions and give a report:


  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________












  1. grow up  2. enjoy  3. write  4. practice  5. move  6. grades


  1. find a part-time job

  2. take an English club

  3. exercise, to keep fit

  4. are, going to work

  5. sounds like, enjoy


  1. C  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. B


  1. 文章的开头就说,“American people like to say‘Thank you’when others help them”,因此答案为C.

  2. 文章的第一段中说, “People of many countries do so, too.”因此答案为A.

  3. 根据文章的第二段,答案为D.

  4. 根据文章中的句子If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first. 答案应该为C.

  5. 整个文章讲述了Thank you 和 Excuse me的用法, 是在告诉我对人要有礼貌, 因此,答案应该为B.


  1. C  2. B  3. A  4. D  5. C  6. D  7. A  8. A  9. B  10. B


  1. 应选C。Scientists have always wanted…, 如果用ever只表示曾经,already 只表示已经,但选用了always 就表示不断地向宇宙进行探索。

  2. 应选B。前句已经讲到知道月亮的大小远近,本句讲的是But they wanted to know more about it.

  3. 应选A。送人到月球,用send men to the moon; take 是带人去,谁也没去过,谁又能带谁呢?carry men to, 装载人去,没有send to 意义好;have men to, 是错误的。

  4. 应选D。reaches解释为达到only 240 kilometers; 用is逻辑上是不对的,air 不可能离开地球240公里的;用are语法上错误;空气并不travel。

  5. 应选C。前句讲到A plane cannot fly, 但不知道是什么,直到下一句才点明是rocket, 所以应用something。

  6. 应选D。gas 是不可数名词,用become、get、make 都不合语法;is made 表示气体在火箭内部燃烧得很热。

  7. 应选A。因此推进火箭,应该用so, 这是结果;because表示因为,语义不对;for作为解释,也不行;that的表达结构不对。

  8. 应选A。make the rocket fly up…, make 后面加动词原形。

  9. 应选B。Rockets with men in them have been to the moon. Several rockets without men in them 应该是 have flown to another planet, 有人的火箭到月球,无人的当然已经更远。

  10. 应选B。One day, 当然指的是将来,所以应该用will be able to。


  I’m going to be a senior school student in 2008. I want to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. I think I can introduce Beijing to foreign athletes. So I am going to study harder from now on. I’m going to speak English and write in English as much as possible. And I’m going to learn more about the differences between Chinese and Western culture so that I can treat foreigners more politely…

Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.

一 . [话题](Topic) Life goals

二.  [重点词组](Key Phrases)

1.遍及全世界 all over the world                  

2.举办艺术展览 hold art exhibitions

3.听起来像 sound like

4.时装表演 fashion show

5.搬到某地 move to                        

6.与某人联络 communicate with

7.有意思的地方 somewhere interesting                    

8.攒钱 save money

9.同时 at the same time                            

 10.写文章 write articles

11.学习演奏一种乐器 learn to play an instrument              

12.取得好成绩 get good grades

13.吃更健康的食品 eat healthier food                

14.得到很多锻炼 get lots of exercises

15.听起来有趣 sound interesting                     

16.努力学习 work hard

17.学一种新语言 learn a new language                   

18.保持健康 keep fit

19.不得不 have to                         

20.作为一名外语教师 as a foreign language teacher

三 .[交际用语]

1.     What are you going to be when you grow up?

2.     I’m going to be a programmer.

3.     How are you going to do that?

4.     I’m going to study computer science.


四. [重点难点释义](Language Points)

1.     be going to句型

“be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做某事。常与表示将来的时间连用。tomorrow,tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening,this evening,next week/month/year等。


I am going to have a swim tomorrow.我打算明天去游泳。

They aren't going to have any lessons next week.他们下星期不上课。

Is Li Lei going to play basketball after school?李雷打算放学后去打篮球吗?

—Where are you going to meet?你们打算在哪儿见面?

—On the road outside the school gate.在校门口的马路上。

be going to与will

(1)be going to与will都可以用来表示意图,有时两者可以互相替换。如:

I am going to(或will)play football this afternoon.今天下午我将踢足球。

(2)但是含有意图的程度有强弱之分,如果事先经过考虑做某事,就得用be going to表示,不用will。如:

Tom has just borrowed an axe;he is going to chop some wood.汤姆刚借来斧子,他要劈些木柴。

(3)反之,如果不是事先考虑做某事,就得用will,而不是用be going to,这种用will 的场合多见于会话时乙方听了甲方的话之后所作的反应。如:

A:Sorry,I forgot to post the letter for you.对不起,我忘了替你寄这封信。

B:Never mind,I will post it myself tonight.不要紧,今晚我自己去寄。

(4)be going to和will也可用于表示预测,前者表示根据目前迹象,事情非常有可能发生;后者则表示说话者认为或相信会发生某事。如:

Look at those clouds!It's going to rain.瞧那些云吧,快下雨了。

I think it will rain.我认为会下雨。

(5)以下几种情况用will,不宜用be going to:


We will help him if he asks us.只要他提出,我们乐意帮助他。


Will you please lend me your eraser?请把你的橡皮借给我好吗?


The sun will rise at 6:30 tomorrow morning.明天早晨太阳将在六点三十分升起。

  2. What are you going to be when you grow up?

(1)这是一个be going to用于特殊疑问句的句子,be going to用于疑问句中将be放在主语前。如:

Are you going to hike to the top of the mountain?你们要徒步登上山顶吗?

When are you going to start?你们什么时候出发?

be going to表示将要发生的动作,含有“计划,打算”的意思,后跟动词原形。常跟表将来的时间连用。诸如:next Sunday下星期天,next month下个月,next year明年等。如:

I'm going to play football this afternoon.我打算今天下午踢足球。

I'm not going to swim this Sunday.这个星期天我不打算去游泳。

(2)grow up 指人或动物长大;成年;成熟。如:

She's growing up fast.她长得很快。

A close friendship gradually grew up between them.他们之间的友谊日益亲密。

3. When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do.


  When I grow up是由 when 引导的一个时间状语从句。

  When : 当 … 的时候; 什么时候


  When Peter grows up, he wants to be an engineer.


  --When did you come here?       -- Yesterday afternoon.

  -- 你什么时候来的?           -- 昨天下午。

4. I’m going to move somewhere interesting.


  ★ move    v.


  Who has moved my book?   谁动我的书了?

  Who moved my cheese is a popular book. 



  That car was really moving.       那汽车跑得可真快。


  We're going to move next week.    我们打算下周搬家。

  ★somewhere interesting  某个有意思的地方

  somewhere为不定代词,形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词的后面。类似的不定代词还有: something, anything, nothing, anywhere, nowhere


  There’s nothing interesting in this book.  这本书里没什么有意思的东西。

5.Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy.巴黎听起来像是我喜欢的城市。

(1)sound like“听起来像”,sound作连系动词用,like是介词,作表语。如:

That sounds like a good idea.听起来是一个好主意。

(2)that I could enjoy是定语从句修饰city,that为关系代词,在从句中担任动词宾语,可以省去。如:

I have a beautiful skirt(that)I like very much.我有一条漂亮的裙子,我非常喜欢。

6.They have lots of fashion shows there. 他们哪儿有很多的时装表演。

  表示许多的词还有:a lot of, many, much,

  many      修饰可数名词

  a lot of     既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。

  (lots of 和 a lot of用法类似)

  much      修饰不可数名词

  a lot (许多) 一般用来修饰动词,而不能修饰名词。


  He has a lot of money.             他有许多钱。

  My grandfather collects a lot of stamps.  我爷爷收集了很多邮票。

  I have many friends in Beijing.      我在北京有很多朋友。

  There is still much water in the bottle.   瓶子里还有很多水。

  Lots of foreigners come to Beijing every year.


  From Beijing Opera, they can learn a lot about Chinese history.


7. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions that will make me rich and famous.


  hold      v.  (held, held)

  1. 握住;拿着;抱着

  She is holding a book (in her hand).  她(手里)拿着一本书。

  2. 抑制;控制;约束

  to hold one's breath   屏住气

  3. 保持;维持

  “Hold the line, please.” 请不要挂断电话机!

  4. 举行;召开

  to hold a debate  举行辩论会

  The 2008 Olympic games will be held in Beijing.


8. Finally, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.



  ◆Many readers are going to study harder in school this year.


  harder   hard 的比较级


  If you want to make progress, you must work harder.


9.Some readers are going to eat more vegetables.




Where shall we have our dinner?我们在哪儿吃饭?

Is there anything to eat?有吃的东西吗?


We eat our soup first.我们先喝汤。


What time do you have supper?你们什么时候吃晚饭?

I do not have coffee in the evening.晚上我不喝咖啡。

注意:“吃药”,习惯上说have/take medicine,不说eat/drink medicine。如:

Your son catches a bad cold.He should have some medicine.你儿子得了重感冒,他应该吃药。

10.Some girls said they are going to exercise more to keep fit.


  to keep fit   为了使身体健康;为了保持身材



  He studies hard to have a good score.   他努力学习,以便能得好分数。

  She exercises every day to keep fit.   她每天锻炼,以便保持身材。

  8.They want to communicate better with their kids.



  to communicate with a person   与人联络

11. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language teacher. She is going to look for a teaching job in China next year.


  job     n.         工作     (可数名词)

  work   n.      工作        (当名词用时,为不可数名词)

  find   (found, found)  找到,发现  (强调结果)

  look for          寻找    (强调动作)


  He found a job as a sales assistant.     他找到一份当售货员的工作。

  -What are you looking for?   - I’m looking for my pencil.

  -你在找什么?      -我在找我的铅笔。

  Yesterday afternoon I looked for my pen everywhere, but I didn’t find it.



五, 语法知识




●will 常简略为 'll,并与主语连写在一起,如:I'll,he'll,it'll,we'll,you'll,they'll。

●一般疑问句如用will you…?其简略答语须是Yes,I will或 No,I will not;如用 Shall you…?(较少见)其简略答语须是 Yes,I shall.或 No, I shall not.。




tomorrow(明天), next week(下周), from now on(从现在开始);in the future(将来)等。




1)“to be going to+动词原形”表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。例如:

①It is going to rain. 要下雨了。

②We are going to have a meeting today. 今天我们开会。

2)go, come,start,move,sail,leave,arrive,stay等可用进行时态表示按计划即将发生的动作,例如:

I'm leaving for Beijing.


3)“be to+动词原形”表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。例如:

①Are we to go on with this work? 我们继续干吗?

②The boy is to go to school tomorrow.这个男孩明天要去上学。

4)“be about to+动词原形”表示即将发生的动作,意为:很快,马上。后面一般不跟时间状语。例如:

We are about to leave.我们马上就走。

5)某些词,如come, go, leave, arrive, start, get, stay 等的一般现在时也可表示将来。

①The meeting starts at five o'clock.会议五点开始。

②He gets off at the next stop.他下一站下车

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