

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-01-14

Stop making big decisions and focus on closing the gap with where you want to be.不再做不切实际的决定,而是把精力集中于如何缩小梦想与现实的差距。

A successful life is not made of easy, clean cut choices. It looks like this:成功的生活不是简单利落的做几个选择就能获得。成功的目标图应该是这样的:

Sadly, far too many look like this:很遗憾,很多人的目标图是这样的:

Have you ever seen a guy desperately enamoured with a girl, but he can't bear to talk to her? Or someone who wants to get fit, but they won't step in a gym? How about someone who wants better career options but stays exactly where they are?你有见过男孩深深迷恋着女孩,却不敢跟她说话吗?或者有些人想减肥,却没有进过健身房?那有没有见过一些人希望有更好的职业选择,却停在当下、固步自封吗?

Start take lots of continuous small steps. Take something you love doing - or if you're not sure what that is, something you'd like to try. And move towards it now. 开始通过小步骤不断积累。着手做一些你喜欢的事——如果你不确定是什么,做你想尝试的事。从现在开始向目标前进。

You don't have to choose between a well-paid job you don't like and the unknown. You have countless other options:你不必在不了解的事和高薪工作之间做选择。你还有很多其他选择:

1. Start up a small business in your evenings1. 利用晚上时间开展新业务

2. Ask your boss what you could do for them to get promoted2. 询问老板要做什么可以获得晋升

3. Teach yourself a new skill that interests you3. 自学你感兴趣的技能

4. Write a blog or a book4. 写博客或书

Some steps will lead to greater things. But as long as you sit feeling paralysed, I can assure you nothing will change at all.不积跬步无以成千里。但只要你觉得自己做不好,我可以向你保证任何事都不会发生变化。

Do not, and I shall repeat for emphasis, do not defer this until a "better time". If you make a habit of that, you'll wake up one idle Monday and wonder how you let your whole life fly away.千万不要,我要重复强调下,千万不要拖延以等待“更好的时机”。如果你把拖延变成习惯,你将在某个周一慵懒的醒来,然后想你如何让一生都飞速流逝。

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